The file extension of Shared object repository file and Local object repository file are

  1. .TSR and .QRS

  2. .QRS and .MTR

  3. .TSR and .MTR

  4. .MTR and .QFL

Correct Option: C

To solve this question, the user needs to have knowledge about automated testing tools and file extensions used in them.

The correct option is:

C. .TSR and .MTR


In automated testing tools like UFT (Unified Functional Testing), shared object repository and local object repository are used to store object information.

  • Shared Object Repository (SOR) file stores information about the objects that are common for multiple tests. The file extension of the Shared Object Repository file is .TSR (Test Shared Repository).

  • Local Object Repository (LOR) file stores information about the objects that are specific to a particular test. The file extension of the Local Object Repository file is .MTR (Mercury Test Results).

Therefore, the correct answer is option C, .TSR and .MTR.

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