What is the command line syntax to start the saprouter with the access control, logging, and password options disabled?

  1. saprouter

  2. saprouter -s

  3. saprouter -startup

  4. saprouter -r

Correct Option: D

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) saprouter - This option does not include any additional parameters or options. It will start the saprouter, but it does not specify whether the access control, logging, and password options should be disabled.

Option B) saprouter -s - This option includes the "-s" parameter, which stands for "secure mode". This option is not relevant to disabling the access control, logging, and password options.

Option C) saprouter -startup - This option includes the "-startup" parameter, which is not valid for starting the saprouter with the access control, logging, and password options disabled. This parameter is used to specify a startup file for the saprouter.

Option D) saprouter -r - This option includes the "-r" parameter, which stands for "run mode". When used with saprouter, it starts the saprouter with the access control, logging, and password options disabled. Therefore, this is the correct answer.

The correct answer is D) saprouter -r. This option is correct because it starts the saprouter with the access control, logging, and password options disabled.

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