Tag: security

Questions Related to security

  1. Credit Card Numbers cannot be stored in database

  2. Credit Card numbers can be stored in database but not in plain text

  3. Avoid storing credit card numbers if not necessary

  4. Option 1 AND Option 3

  5. Opion 2 AND Opion 3

  6. None of above

Correct Option: E
  1. finding users in data base

  2. to attck viruses

  3. to get user ans password from servers

  4. none of above

Correct Option: C
  1. change priority in processors

  2. add process id to services process id

  3. change the running files with this virus files

  4. entering into system files

Correct Option: B,C
  1. Process explorer

  2. autoruns

  3. rootkit retriveler

  4. ms office

Correct Option: A,B,C
  1. vb scripts

  2. batch file scripts

  3. autoit scripts

  4. all the above

Correct Option: A,B,C
  1. batch file scripts

  2. vb scripts

  3. autoit scripts

  4. all the above

Correct Option: D
  1. 3 DES

  2. Triple DES

  3. Triple Disk Encryption System

  4. Triple Disk Encoding System

Correct Option: B