Tag: english

Questions Related to english

Identify the intended effect of the following based on its sentence structure/variety:
She ran. She didn't know why. But she ran.

  1. Shock

  2. Pause

  3. Action

  4. Reflection

Correct Option: C

Select the best version of the following to create sentence variation:
(Ensure the meaning of the sentence remains the same)

The boat, sleek and efficient, won the competition.

  1. The boat, which was sleek and efficient, won the competition.

  2. Sleek and efficient, the boat won the competition.

  3. The boat won the competition as it was sleek and efficient.

  4. The boat was not only sleek and efficient but won the competition.

Correct Option: B

The correct answer is Option B.
Here, 'Sleek and efficient' used in the beginning of the sentence emphasizes the features of the boat that helped it to win the competion and in the remaining sentence the words are placed in the correct order and the verb agrees to the subject appropriately.
Options A, C and D are incorrect as the emphasis is not ensured and the meaning is also not retained in the given options due to inappropriate ordering of events.

Select the option which best changes the following to provide sentence variety:
(Ensure that the meaning of the lines do not change)

Kendra waited for hours patiently for him to return.

  1. Patiently, Kendra waited for hours for him to return.

  2. Kendra patiently waited for hours for him to return.

  3. Kendra waited for hours for him to return patiently.

  4. Kendra waited for hours for him patiently to return.

Correct Option: A,C

Identify the intended effect of the following based on its sentence structure/variety:

The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed sombre under an overcast sky - seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness.
(from Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness)

  1. Setting a scene

  2. Reflection of thought

  3. Action

  4. Adding context to a statement

Correct Option: A

Identify the intended effect of the following based on its sentence structure/variety:

She recoiled in her armchair, wrapping the grey, woolen shawl tighter around her, and gazed languidly through the frost-smitten window panes out into a dark, snowy night.

  1. Peacefulness

  2. Action

  3. Speed

  4. Reflection of thoughts

Correct Option: A

What effect is created by the structure and length of the following sentence:

The proverbial oracles of our parsimonious ancestors have informed us that the fatal waste of fortune is by small expenses, by the profusion of sums too little singly to alarm our caution, and which we never suffer ourselves to consider together.

  1. Time-dragging

  2. Action

  3. Descriptive

  4. Shock

Correct Option: C

Choose whether the statement is true or false:
One short sentence after another makes your prose sound choppy and childish.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

State whether true or false.
The following sentence is an example of an effective short sentence.
"A shot rang out."

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

State whether true or false.
Long sentences work well for incorporating a lot of information, and short sentences can often maximize crucial points. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

State whether true or false.
If too many sentences start with the same word, especially TheItThis, or I, prose can grow tedious for readers, so changing opening words and phrases can be refreshing.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A