Tag: web 2.0

Questions Related to web 2.0

Which input type would allow a reader to select several options from a list of possibilities?

  1. Radio Buttons

  2. Checkboxes

  3. Form

  4. Text Field

Correct Option: B
  1. eXtra Hypertext Markup Language

  2. eXtension Hypertext Markup Language

  3. eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language

  4. eXtended Hypertext Markup Language

Correct Option: C
  1. & gt ;

  2. & lt ;

  3. & lessthan ;

  4. & lesst ;

Correct Option: B

What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet?

Correct Option: A
  1. Add a TYPE=HIDDEN INPUT to the form

  2. Trap the return keypress and return (null)

  3. Add 'return false' to onsubmit="..." in the FORM tag

  4. Instruct the user not to press the Return key.

Correct Option: C
  1. A method

  2. A function

  3. A statement

  4. An operator

Correct Option: D