Tag: web 2.0

Questions Related to web 2.0

  1. Scripting is separated from the HTML, Code is interpreted seperately

  2. Scripting is separated from the HTML, Code is compiled as a DLL, the DLLs can be executed on server

  3. Code is separated from the HTML and interpreted Code is interpreted separately

  4. No difference

Correct Option: B
  1. System.user

  2. System.web

  3. System.Drawing

  4. System.Web.UI.Page.Culture

Correct Option: D

To solve this question, the user needs to know about the different .NET Framework namespaces and classes that are used to store information about the user locale.

Option A (System.user) is not a valid .NET Framework namespace or class. This option is incorrect.

Option B (System.web) is a valid .NET Framework namespace that provides classes for creating web-based applications. However, it is not the correct namespace for storing user locale information. This option is incorrect.

Option C (System.Drawing) is a valid .NET Framework namespace that provides classes for working with graphics and images. However, it is not the correct namespace for storing user locale information. This option is incorrect.

Option D (System.Web.UI.Page.Culture) is the correct answer. The Culture property of the Page class in the System.Web.UI namespace is used to store information about the user locale. This property can be used to set the language and culture for a particular page or application.

Therefore, the answer is:

The Answer is: D

  1. The Prerender

  2. Render

  3. Page_Load

  4. Display

Correct Option: B
  1. For Reading metadata at runtime

  2. For knowing version of assembly

  3. For finding path of an assembly

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A
  1. xml

  2. xhtml

  3. perl

  4. javascript

Correct Option: D