Tag: packaged enterprise solutions

Questions Related to packaged enterprise solutions

  1. It does not exist in the attachments directory

  2. It does not exist in the SAF directory

  3. It does not exist in the Siebel file directory

  4. It does not exist in the quotations directory

Correct Option: A
  1. It provides faster access to the object data than would be achieved if reading the definitions from the database

  2. It is written to the Siebel configuration file

  3. It is created by the Siebel Object Compiler that contains object definitions in a compressed, ASCII format

  4. It is stored in the ...\Bin folder of the Siebel Enterprise Application client installation

Correct Option: C

To answer this question, the user needs to have basic knowledge of Siebel architecture and the Siebel Object Compiler.

Option A is not entirely correct. While the SRF does provide faster access to the object data than would be achieved by reading definitions from the database, this is not the primary purpose of the SRF. The SRF is used to store object definitions that are compiled by the Siebel Object Compiler.

Option B is incorrect. The SRF is not written to the Siebel configuration file. The configuration file is used to store parameters that define the behavior of the Siebel application.

Option C is correct. The Siebel Object Compiler creates the SRF file, which contains the compressed, ASCII format of object definitions. The SRF is used by the Siebel application to access object definitions.

Option D is incorrect. The SRF file is not stored in the ...\Bin folder of the Siebel Enterprise Application client installation. It is stored in the Siebel Server file system.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: C

  1. Joins are between two tables

  2. Joins cannot be updated

  3. Joins are used in multi value groups

  4. Joins are created in the client

Correct Option: A
  1. Organization view

  2. All view

  3. My team's view

  4. Marketing administration view

Correct Option: B