Tag: databases

Questions Related to databases

  1. Sp_helpdb

  2. sp_helpprocess

  3. sp_who2

  4. select * from sys.sysprocesses

Correct Option: C,D

On which port does SQL server runs.

  1. 1433

  2. 1434

  3. 1432

  4. 1435

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the default port on which SQL Server runs.

Option A) 1433 - This option is correct. SQL Server typically runs on port 1433 by default. This port is used for the default instance of SQL Server.

Option B) 1434 - This option is incorrect. Port 1434 is used for the SQL Server Browser service, which helps clients locate named instances of SQL Server on a network. It is not the default port for SQL Server itself.

Option C) 1432 - This option is incorrect. Port 1432 is not the default port for SQL Server.

Option D) 1435 - This option is incorrect. Port 1435 is not the default port for SQL Server.

The correct answer is option A) 1433. This option is correct because it represents the default port on which SQL Server runs.

What are the modes of authentication in SQL server database.

  1. Builtin/Administrator

  2. Windows authentication

  3. Mixed mode

  4. SQL authentication

Correct Option: B,C
  1. Fire truncate command

  2. Backup the transaction log

  3. Backup the database

  4. Logs cannot be truncated in SQL Server

Correct Option: B

Mark all the indexes which are their in SQL server

  1. Bit Map

  2. clustered

  3. Non clustered

  4. filter

  5. covering

  6. Composite

Correct Option: B,C,D,E,F
  1. 8,64 MB

  2. 8,64 KB

  3. 16,64 KB

  4. 10,86 MB

Correct Option: B
  1. Logical form of table

  2. Physical view of table

  3. Logical view of table

  4. View are thoes which are created on Stored procedure

Correct Option: C

What are HA Options in SQL server 2005 database.

  1. Data Guard

  2. Clustering

  3. Mirroring

  4. Transaction log shipping

  5. RAC

Correct Option: B,C,D