Tag: databases

Questions Related to databases

Extended Stored Procedure master.dbo.xp_fileexist can be used to decide if a file exists.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
  1. Multiple Active Record Sets

  2. Multiple Active Result Sets

  3. Multiple Account Record Sets

  4. Multiple Account Result Sets

Correct Option: A

SQL 2005 XML data type instance storage has a limit. Choose the correct limit:

  1. 1 GB

  2. 1024 KB

  3. 2 GB

  4. 500 MB

Correct Option: C
  1. When SET ANSI_NULLS is OFF, comparisons of all data against a null value evaluate to UNKNOWN if the data value is NULL

  2. When SET ANSI_NULLS is OFF, comparisons of all data against a null value evaluate to UNKNOWN if the data value is NOT NULL

  3. When SET ANSI_NULLS is OFF, comparisons of all data against a null value evaluate to FALSE if the data value is NULL

  4. When SET ANSI_NULLS is OFF, comparisons of all data against a null value evaluate to TRUE if the data value is NULL

Correct Option: D
  1. A CTE is created using the WITH statement

  2. A CTE is created using the SELECT statement

  3. A CTE is created using the CREATE statement

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
  1. sp_who

  2. sys.dm_tran_locks

  3. @@lock_timeout

  4. sp_lock

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: D