Tag: leadership

Questions Related to leadership

  1. 28 minutes after 18:00

  2. 18:36

  3. 6:28

  4. 20:28

Correct Option: A
  1. Dumbness

  2. Changeablemess

  3. Hesitation

  4. Reserve

Correct Option: D

The leader of an organization performs  ______ as per Mintzberg.

  1. an interpersonal role

  2. an informational role

  3. a decisional role

  4. all the given options

Correct Option: D

Leadership research indicates that all of the following are traits that have been identified to be consistently associated with leadership except ________.

  1. consistent behavior

  2. honesty and integrity

  3. job-relevant knowledge

  4. self-confidence

Correct Option: A

In the University of Michigan studies, low group productivity and lower job satisfaction were associated with ________.

  1. humanistic leaders

  2. production-oriented leaders

  3. employee-oriented leaders

  4. technical-oriented leaders.

Correct Option: B

Grid style of leadership was given by _________.

  1. Blake & Menton

  2. Fayol

  3. Lewin

  4. White

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is not a limitation of the trait approach?

  1. There are no universal traits that predict leadership in all situations.

  2. Traits predict behaviour more in weak situations than in strong situations.

  3. The evidence is quite clear in separating cause from effect.

  4. Traits do a better job at predicting the appearance of leadership in distinguishing between effective and ineffective leaders.

Correct Option: C

There is fairly consistent evidence that leadership is related to all of the following traits except:

  1. ambition and energy.

  2. extroversion.

  3. desire to lead.

  4. intelligence.

Correct Option: B

Good ______ brings about order and consistency by drawing up formal plans.

  1. leadership

  2. management

  3. vision

  4. inspiration

Correct Option: B

Which theory states that people are born with certain characteristics that predispose them to being leaders?

  1. trait theory

  2. path-goal theory

  3. LPC

  4. contingency theory

Correct Option: A