Tag: business skills

Questions Related to business skills

  1. "Oh no!"

  2. "And careful knowledge"

  3. "Acknowledged"

  4. "After care is kept"…

Correct Option: C
  1. "Here there here"

  2. "Help the human"

  3. "Hope this helps"

  4. NA

Correct Option: C
  1. Brief

  2. Understandable

  3. Knowledgeable

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
  1. Your face can't be seen, so it's harder to convey your thoughts and intentions and easier to be misunderstood

  2. While cursing is Ok in real life, it's prohibited online

  3. Written communication should be more polished and formal than real life verbal communication

  4. You are virtually invisible, so you can get away with a lot more

Correct Option: A
  1. Create a cute "emoticon" that's all yours

  2. Use silly jokes and quotes to establish yourself

  3. Create a signature

  4. Type in caps, so people pay attention

Correct Option: C