Tag: history

Questions Related to history

What type of agreements between countries did the Fourteen Points say should come to an end?

  1. Peace treaties

  2. Secret agreements

  3. Alliances

  4. Trade agreements

Correct Option: B

Which of the following were included in the Fourteen Points? 

  1. No secret treaties

  2. Free access to the seas in peacetime or wartime

  3. Free trade between countries

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Where the Paris Peace Conference took place?

  1. In the Hohenzollern Castle

  2. In the Palace of Versailles

  3. In the Bellevue palace

  4. In the Wartburg castle

Correct Option: B

The Fourteen Points talked about: 

  1. All countries to work towards disarmament

  2. Colonies to have a say in their own future

  3. Free trade between countries

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Llyod George agreed with Woodrow Wilson that ____________.

  1. Germany Should not be punished

  2. Germany Should be punished but not too harshly

  3. Germany Should be punished harshly

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Of his experiences dealing with Wilson and Clemenceau, Lloyd George said it was like "sitting between Jesus Christ and ______"?

  1. Attila the Hun

  2. Peter the Great

  3. Napoleon

  4. Julius Caesar

Correct Option: C

What do the Fourteen Points say should happen to Poland?

  1. It should be a part of League of Nations

  2. It should be a part of Germany

  3. It should be an independent country

  4. It should be part of Austria-Hungary

Correct Option: C

When Woodrow Wilson was re-elected the President of USA?

  1. 1912

  2. 1916

  3. 1920

  4. 1924

Correct Option: B

In 1916, Woodrow Wilson and Vice President Marshall were re-nominated by the Democrats. He won the election with a narrow electoral margin of 277-254 and a little more than 49 percent of the popular vote and held the office of president for the second time.

Which of the following was Wilson's view for a better an more peaceful world after world war one?

  1. Self- determination to small countries that had once been part of the European Empires

  2. Internation co-operation

  3. Strengthen democracy in defeated countries

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D