Tag: history

Questions Related to history

What was the life expectancy in towns in the 1830s?

  1. 20 years

  2. 24years

  3. 29 years

  4. 35 years

Correct Option: D

Who received the old age pension in 1909 in Britain?

  1. Elderly people over 50 years

  2. Elderly people over 60 years

  3. Elderly people over 70 years

  4. Elderly people over 80 years

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is true regarding the Municipal Corporations Act 1835? 

  1. Municipal Corporations Act established boroughs

  2. The boroughs were governed by a council and elected by ratepayers

  3. The citizens of these boroughs paid taxes to improve

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

What were the Metropolitan Police for London nicknamed?

  1. Peelers

  2. Bobbies

  3. Both A and B

  4. Neither A nor B

Correct Option: C

Why many people in London rejected volunteering for the South African War of 1899-1902?

  1. Because of ill health

  2. Due to fear

  3. They did not like the war

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Opposition to the Second Boer War (1899–1902) was a factor in the war. Inside Britain and the British Empire, there was strong opposition to the Boers and a minority in favour of them. Hunger and contagious diseases were the main cause and many British colonisers had contracted infections during their stay in South Africa, hence, Option A is correct.

Who established the Metropolitan Police Force for London?

  1. Henry Fielding

  2. Robert Peel

  3. Richard Ford

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

When did elderly people in Britain receive a pension from the government for the first time?

  1. 1 January 1908

  2. 1 January 1909

  3. 1 January 1910

  4. 1 January 1911

Correct Option: B

What were the Bow Street horse patrol policemen nicknamed?

  1. Charleys

  2. Robin Redbreasts

  3. Scottland Yard

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

After the passing of old age act in Britain elderly people received a ______ pension.

  1. daily

  2. weekly

  3. monthly

  4. annually

Correct Option: B