Tag: population

Questions Related to population

Industrial classification agencies are ____________.

  1. SIC

  2. NACE

  3. NAICS

  4. all of above

Correct Option: D

 Consulting is the occupation of ___________.

  1. tertiary industry

  2. secondary industry

  3. both a and b

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

______ is an example of tertiary activity.

  1. Trade

  2. Grazing

  3. Medicine

  4. Fishing

Correct Option: A

Tertiary activities include both production and exchange. The production involves the 'provision' of services that are 'consumed. The exchange involves trade, transport and communication facilities that are used to overcome distance.

Industrial raw materials are _________ products.

  1. Primary

  2. Secondary

  3. Tertiary

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Human beings interact with nature through technology and create institutions to accelerate their  ________ development. 

  1. economic 

  2. social

  3. cultural

  4. regional

Correct Option: A

We transform things into resources with the help of nature, technology and institutions. The process of transformation of things involves an inter-dependent relationship between these. Human beings interact with nature through technology and create institutions to accelerate their economic development.

Secondary activity includes _________.

  1. Extraction of natural resources

  2. Processing

  3. Banking

  4. Collection of information

Correct Option: B

Manufacturing and Industry sector known as the secondary sector, sometimes as the production sector, includes all branches of human activities that transform raw materials into products or goods. 

The secondary sector includes secondary processing of raw materials, food manufacturing, textile manufacturing and industry

Tertiary activity includes ________.

  1. Insurance.

  2. Smelting.

  3. Mining.

  4. Weaving.

Correct Option: A

The tertiary industry is that industry which provides services rather than producing good or article. 

insurance is the tertiary industry as it provides us the guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for a payment of a specified premium

Developed countries have a higher proportion of their workforce engaged in _____.

  1. Tertiary activities.

  2. Secondary activities.

  3. Quaternary activities.

  4. Primary activities

Correct Option: A

Tertiary – The service sector of the economy

Definition – The service sector is comprised of firms offering ‘intangible goods’ such as entertainment, retail, insurance, tourism and banking. The service sector will make use of manufactured goods, but there is an additional component of offering a service to customers.


In a developed economy like the UK, the service sector is the biggest component of the economy, comprising nearly 80% of GDP and a similar ratio of employment. In the US, the service sector comprises 70% of the workforce.


In the UK, the main sectors of the service sector include:

  • Retail industry
  • Computer and I.T. services
  • Hotels and tourism services
  • Restaurants and Cafes
  • Transport – rail, bus, air, sea
  • Communication
  • Banking services
  • Insurance services
  • Pension services
  • Food and beverage services
  • Postal services



Primary activity includes _______.

  1. Construction work

  2. Mining

  3. Communications

  4. Administration services

Correct Option: B

Mining is a primary activity. It also includes hunting and gathering, pastoral activities, fishing, forestry, agriculture, and mining and quarrying.

The correct definition of the occupational structure is _______.

  1. Distribution of children in population

  2. Distribution of population according to different occupation

  3. Distribution of population in age group

  4. Distribution of male population

Correct Option: B

occupational structure This refers to the aggregate distribution of occupations in society, classified according to skill level, economic function, or social status.