Tag: circulatory system

Questions Related to circulatory system

Choose correct alternative in the following statements:
Sphygmomanometer measures

  1. Pulse rate

  2. Heart beat

  3. Blood pressure

  4. Brain activity

Correct Option: C

The sphygmomanometer is a device used to measure blood pressure. It consists of an inflatable cuff, a measuring unit and a mechanism for inflation which may be a manually operated bulb and a valve operated electrically.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Blood pressure' .

Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
Drowsiness, felt after a heavy lunch, is due to:

  1. increased blood pressure

  2. decreased blood pressure

  3. decreased pulse rate

  4. increased pulse rate

Correct Option: B

Drowsiness after a heavy lunch is felt due to :

 1. Eating too much-refined carbohydrate induces sugar spikes and crashes, which make us tired.
2. Digestion requires more blood flow to the stomach, hence less blood to the brain, which makes us feel sleepy.
3. Decreased blood pressure termed as postprandial hypotension.

So, the correct option is 'Decreased blood pressure'.

Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
Blood pressure is high in and lowest in

  1. Arteries; veins

  2. Arteries; ventricles

  3. Arteries; relaxed atria

  4. Arterioles; veins

Correct Option: C

During systole, because of heart contraction blood is pumped into arteries. Blood pressure is highest as it leaves the heart through the aorta and gradually decreases as it enters smaller and smaller blood vessels (arteries, arterioles, and capillaries). While during atrial diastole, both atria are relaxing, dilating and filling. Blood pressure drops to the lowest level during this state. 

So, the correct option is 'Arteries; relaxed atria'.

Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
In an one-circuit circulatory system, blood pressure:

  1. cannot be determined

  2. is higher at the intestinal capillaries than at the gill capillaries

  3. drops significantly after gas exchange has taken place

  4. is constant throughout the system

Correct Option: C
In a single-circuit circulatory system as seen in fishes, the oxygenated blood from the gills does not enter the heart. The heart does not receive oxygenated blood, so known as venous heart. It is directly distributed in the entire body, after which it loses its pressure due to the absence of pushing force. Only the deoxygenated blood enters the auricle and then the ventricle. The deoxygenated blood enters the gills for oxygenation from the ventricle. Blood has a slow flow and low pressure.
So, the correct option is 'drops significantly after the gas exchange has taken place'.

Which of the following trigger renin-angiotens in the system?

  1. Increased blood sugar

  2. High CI concentration in the blood

  3. Lowered blood pressure

  4. Increased sodium retention

Correct Option: C
When renal blood flow is reduced, the enzyme renin is secreted by the kidney cells. This promotes the conversion of angiotensinogen, produced by the liver, to angiotensin, which stimulates the production of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone increases the reabsorption of sodium and water and the excretion of potassium by the kidneys. This raises the blood volume and the flow of blood through the kidneys, suppressing renin production and reducing aldosterone secretion.
So the correct answer is lowered blood pressure.