Tag: biology

Questions Related to biology

Enterokinase is

  1. Pancreatic hormone

  2. Intestinal hormone

  3. Pancreatic enzyme

  4. Component of intestinal juice

Correct Option: D

What are called micelles during absorption

  1. Small glycerol molecules

  2. Small droplets of fatty acids

  3. Very small fat droplets

  4. Large fat molecules

Correct Option: B

The secretion of brush border cells of intestinal mucosa along with secretion of goblet cells constitute

  1. Succus entericus

  2. Chyme

  3. Gastric juice

  4. Chylomicrons

  5. Bolus

Correct Option: A

Intrinsic factor is secreted by

  1. Goblet cells

  2. Oxyntic cells

  3. Argentaffin cells

  4. Chief cells

Correct Option: C

One of the following movements is not completely involuntary. It is

  1. Peristalsis

  2. Systole of ventricles

  3. Dilation of eye pupil

  4. Deglutition

Correct Option: D

Alexis St. Martin is famous for

  1. His views on evolution

  2. Work on animal breeding

  3. Open stomach for experiments on digestion

  4. Being first person to study digestion

Correct Option: C
  • Alexis St. Martin was a Canadian voyageur known for his part in the study of digestion in humans.
  • St. Martin was shot with a musket at close range and had a near-fatal accident in 1822.
  • He was treated by an American Army physician William Beaumont.
  • His wound was not healed fully and also left an opening into his stomach.
  • Studies were conducted on St. Martin's stomach which led to helped to understand the structure of the stomach, different types of gastric juices and the processes of digestion and other activities in the stomach.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Open stomach for experiments on digestion'.

The scientist to study digestion for the first time was

  1. Beaumount

  2. Pavlov

  3. Guillemin

  4. Sach

Correct Option: A

Beaumont recognized that he had in St. Martin an unusual opportunity to observe digestive processes. Dr. Beaumont began to perform experiments on digestion for the first time using the stomach of St. Martin. He is known as father of gastric physiology.

So, the correct option is 'William Beaumont'.

Read the following statements and select the correct option.
Statement 1 : Deglutition starts as a reflex and then continues by voluntary action.
Statement 2 : Oesophagus has smooth muscles in the beginning and striated muscles In the rest of its wall.

  1. Both statements 1 and 2 are correct.

  2. Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect.

  3. Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is correct.

  4. Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is (d).

Two friends are eating together on a dining table. One of them suddenly starts coughing while swallowing some food. This coughing would have been due to improper movement of

  1. Epiglottis

  2. Diaphragm

  3. Neck

  4. All of these

Correct Option: A

Genetically identical human progeny is produced when an individual

  1. Practices cross fertilization

  2. Produces identical gametes

  3. Undergoes mutation

  4. Practices by breeding without meiosis

Correct Option: B

The production of a new individual organism or offspring from the parents is the result of a process called reproduction which can be sexual or asexual. In the case of sexual reproduction, the offsprings tend to carry the genetic information from both the parents which are contained in genes carried by chromosomes. Sexual reproduction produces offspring that resemble their parents but are not identical to them but asexual reproduction does not involve mixing of genetic information and hence tend to give rise to genetically identical  progeny. In the case of human beings, this take place either due to natural cloning where there is the production of identical gametes.