Tag: homogenous and heterogenous mixtures

Questions Related to homogenous and heterogenous mixtures

Salt, sugar, and many other substances dissolve in water to form :

  1. homogenous mixture

  2. heterogenous mixture

  3. Ionic compound

  4. molecular compound

Correct Option: A

A mixture is a material system made up of two or more different substances which are mixed but are not combined chemically. A homogeneous mixture is a type of mixture in which the composition is uniform and every part of the solution has the same properties. Salt, sugar, and many other substances dissolve in water to form homogeneous mixtures.

Two main constituents of air are :

  1. oxygen and nitrogen

  2. carbon dioxide and nitrogen

  3. rhodium and nitrogen

  4. oxygen and calcium

Correct Option: A

Air is a homogeneous mixture of a number of gases. It's two main constituents are oxygen and nitrogen. Other gases are present in small quantities.

Which of the following is a homogeneous solution?

  1. Muddy water

  2. Bread

  3. Concrete

  4. A solution of sugar in water

Correct Option: D

The solution in which the concentration of solute is the same in every part of the solution is known as a homogeneous solution, sugar is completely soluble in water and forms homogeneous solution.

Air is a ______ mixture.

  1. homogeneous

  2. heterogeneous

  3. both A and B

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

Air is a homogeneous mixture and can be separated into its components by fractional distillation.

Aqueous solutions of low molecular mass solutes are :

  1. true solutions

  2. false solutions

  3. saturated solutions

  4. unsaturated solution

Correct Option: A

Aqueous solution of low molecular mass are true solutions. A solution in which size of the solute particles is about $10^{10}$m is called a true solution.

A true solution is a homogeneous mixture of solute and solvent. Chalk powder in water is a heterogeneous mixture. Hence chalk powder is not a true solution.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A true solution has solute completely dissolved in the solvent. In case of chalk powder, it does not completely dissolve in water. Hence chalk powder in water is a heterogeneous mixture & is not a true solution.

Substance that is able to get dissolved in solvent is said to be:

  1. solute

  2. insoluble

  3. solvent

  4. soluble

Correct Option: D

Soluble substances are those that easily dissolve in a solvent, such as water, and include sugar, salt, alcohol and some dish-washing detergents. In chemistry, solubility of a substance is a quantitative term that refers to the amount of substance that can dissolve in a given volume of a solvent.

Any metal mixed with mercury is called an amalgam. The amalgam used for dental filling is__________.

  1. Ag - Sn amalgam

  2. Au-Sn amalgam

  3. Au-Ag amalgam

  4. Cu-Au amalgam

Correct Option: A

Amalgam used for dental filling in Ag - Sn amalgam.

_________is present in a lesser amount in a solution.

  1. Solute

  2. Solvent

  3. Solubility

  4. Aqueous solution

  5. Solvation

Correct Option: A

Option A is the correct answer. 

Because, according to the definition, the substance which is present in lesser amount in a solution is known as solute.

A handful of soil is homogeneous mixture of solids.

  1. True

  2. False

  3. Either

  4. Neither

Correct Option: B

A handful of soil is heterogeneous mixture of solids. It is not uniform in composition.