Tag: categories of diseases

Questions Related to categories of diseases

Which of the following is a communicable disease?

  1. Common cold

  2. Chicken pox

  3. Cancer

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

Communicable diseases are the disease that can spread from one person t another by any means of body or blood contact common cold can spread by sneezing in public without covering mouth and chicken pox spreads in the same manner as the cold by sneezing it can also spread through the fluid from the blisters.

So the correct option is D.

Which of the following is non-communicable disease?

  1. Allergy

  2. Malaria

  3. Diarrhoea

  4. Tuberculosis

Correct Option: A

An allergy is a non-communicable disease and is a medical condition that makes a person feels unwell, when they eat or come in contact with a particular substance like itchy ears and eyes, eating of food like milk and egg. It occurs when the body’s immune system overreacts to a normally harmless substance.

Which of the following is a communicable disease?

  1. Phenylketoneuria

  2. Cancer

  3. Rabies

  4. Alkaptonuria

Correct Option: C

Communicable diseases spread from one person to another or from an animal to a person. The spread often happens via airborne viruses or bacteria, but also through blood or other bodily fluid. The terms infectious and contagious are also used to describe communicable disease.

An infectious disease which is vector borne and is transmited to vertebrates by another animal is 

  1. Polio

  2. Mumps

  3. Cholera

  4. Malaria

Correct Option: D

Rabies is caused by rabies virus. It is caused due to an animal bite which readily transfers the pathogens to the blood of the infected. Saliva from an infected animal can also transmit rabies if the saliva comes into contact with the mouth, nose, or eyes. Infected vertebrates like birds, rodents, other larger animals mainly dogs are the most common animal involved. The rabies virus travels to the brain by following the peripheral nerves and affect the neurological junctions.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Thiamine deficiency produces

  1. Pellagra

  2. Osteomalacia

  3. Scurvy

  4. Beriberi

Correct Option: D
Vitamin B-1 (thiamine) deficiency causes Beriberi. There are two types of the disease, wet beriberi and dry beriberi. Wet beriberi can affect heart function and, in the most extreme cases, heart failure. Dry beriberi damages the nerves and can lead to a loss of muscle strength and, eventually, muscle paralysis. If left unchecked and untreated, beriberi can cause death.
Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Of the following diseases, which one is least infectious?

  1. Leprosy

  2. Tuberculosis

  3. Conjunctivitis

  4. Hepatitis

Correct Option: A

Leprosy is an infectious disease. It affects the peripheral nerves, skin, upper respiratory tract, eyes, and nasal mucosa. It is caused by a bacillus bacterium known as Mycobacterium leprae. It can be considered as a mild infection because it can be easily cured by the drugs like dapsone. 

Pulmonary TB (in the lungs) is highly contagious. It spreads when a person who has active TB breathes out air that has the TB bacteria in it and then another person breathes in the bacteria from the air. Conjunctivitis can be caused by an infection (virus or bacteria), which is highly contagious. People can develop conjunctivitis if someone comes into contact with discharge from the eyes, nose or throat of an infected person through touch, coughing and sneezing. Hepatitis A is a contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). It is usually spread by eating or drinking food or water contaminated with infected faeces.
Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Deficiency diseases are

  1. Communicable diseases

  2. Non communicable diseases

  3. Allergies

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Deficiency diseases are the diseases that are caused due to deficiency of vitamin or minerals in the food and is not a communicable disease as it cannot be transferred for person to person by touch or any fluid as it is not caused by any bacteria or virus.

So the correct option is B.

In goitre, there is swelling of the

  1. Eyes

  2. Limbs

  3. Abdomen

  4. Thyroid gland

Correct Option: D

A goiter is an abnormal swelling of the thyroid gland that causes a lump to form in the neck. There can be many possible causes including an under or overactive thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency
So, the correct answer is '
Thyroid gland'

A person will suffer from beriberi, rickets and scurvy if he is not consuming adequate amounts of

  1. Vitamin B$ _6$, A and C

  2. Vitamin B$ _1$, D and C

  3. Vitamin A, B$ _1$ and E

  4. Vitamin B$ _6$, A and K

Correct Option: B

Beriberi is a deficiency disorder of thiamine (vitamin B$ _{1}$) that affects many systems of the body, including the muscles, heart, nerves, and digestive system. Rickets is defective mineralization or calcification of bones due to deficiency or impaired metabolism of vitamin D. Scurvy is a disease resulting from a deficiency of vitamin C. Scurvy presents initially with fatigue, followed by formation of spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from the mucous membranes. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

A patient suffering from a chronic disease 

  1. Suffers from disease for a very long period

  2. Has abrupt attack of disease

  3. Suffers from disease for short period

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

A chronic condition is a severe disturbance in the metabolism of the body which is long lasting. The term chronic is usually applied when the course of the disease lasts for more than three months. Such chronic disease cannot be cured easily.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.