Tag: abolition of jagirdari system in telangana

Questions Related to abolition of jagirdari system in telangana

What was the purpose of Land reforms?

  1. Efficient use of scarce land resource

  2. Redistributing agricultural land in favor of the less privileged class in general & cultivating class in particular.

  3. Both

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Who was associated with Ryotwari settlement of Madras?

  1. Lord Dalhousie

  2. Charles Metcalfe

  3. Thomas Munro

  4. Lord Ripon

Correct Option: C

On the eve of the independence, how many extremes were in India?

  1. 2

  2. 4

  3. 5

  4. 6

Correct Option: A

On the eve of independence, there were two extremes in India. On one extreme, there were landless laborers and tenants-at-will while on the other end, there were  big landlords having huge estates.

What was the scope of Land reforms?

  1. Land reforms can encompass laws

  2. Tenancy reforms

  3. Intermediaries removal

  4. All above

Correct Option: D


  • Land reforms can encompass laws & regulations concerned with the following areas:
  • Tenancy reforms (like security of tenure, rent regulation)
  • Intermediaries removal
  • Agrarian reorganization (like consolidation of existing land & prevent fragmentation
  • Land ceiling
  • Cooperative farms

Which of the following was included as part of the land reforms initiated in India?

  1. Abolition of intermediaries

  2. Tenancy reforms

  3. Reorganization of agriculture

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

Land reforms were introduced in India to prevent exploitation of the tenants and to hand over the land to the tillers.

Permanent settlement was a feature of ______.

  1. Zamindari System

  2. Ryotwari System

  3. Mahalwari System

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The Permanent Settlement was one of the most famous measures of Lord Cornwallis. It was agreed that the landlords would have perpetual and hereditary rights over the land, so long as they pay the fixed revenue to the British Government.

Which of the following was not a measure under the tenancy reforms?

  1. Regulation of rent

  2. Security of tenure

  3. Ownership rights to tenants

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: D

What was the objectives of Land reforms?

  1. To remove rural poverty

  2. Propagating socialist development to reduce social inequality

  3. Empowerment of women in the traditionally male driven society

  4. All above

Correct Option: D


  • To remove rural poverty
  • Propagating socialist development to reduce social inequality
  • Empowerment of women in the traditionally male driven society
  • To increase productivity of agriculture
  • To see that everyone can have a right on a piece of land
  • Protection of tribals by not allowing outsiders to take their land.

Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.
I) Excess land was acquired by the government and redistributed among the landless.
II) Ceiling laws were passed in all the states during the 1st FYP period.

  1. Only I

  2. Only II

  3. Both

  4. None

Correct Option: A

Ceiling laws were passed in most of the states. North-eastern states did not pass the Ceiling laws.

Gandhiji's dream of one nation did not materialize due to?

  1. Planning Commission

  2. Constitution of India

  3. Partition of India

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Gandhi's dream of one nation did not materialize due to the partition of India, into India and Pakistan. The partition of India resulted in the death of milions of people who were killed in the riots between the Hindus and the Muslims.