Tag: introduction to interests

Questions Related to introduction to interests

A bank charges Rs. 6 for a loan of Rs. 120. The borrower receives Rs. 114 ' and repays the loan in 12 installments of Rs. 10 a month. The interest rate is approximate.

  1. 5%

  2. 6%

  3. 7%

  4. 9%

  5. 15%

Correct Option: A

Total sum of money paid = Rs 120

$\therefore 120=P{ \left( 1+\cfrac { r }{ n }  \right)  }^{ nt }$
t = 1 year ($\because$ 1 year = 12 months)
n = 12
P = Rs 114
$\Longrightarrow 120=114{ \left( 1+\cfrac { r }{ 12(100) }  \right)  }^{ 12 }\Longrightarrow { \left( \cfrac { 120 }{ 114 }  \right)  }^{ \cfrac { 1 }{ 12 }  }-1=\cfrac { r }{ 1200 } \Longrightarrow r=5.12\%\ \therefore r\approx 5\%$

At what rate per cent per annum will Rs. $1625$ amount to Rs. $2080$ in $3\dfrac{1}{2}$ years ?

  1. $8\%$

  2. $10\%$

  3. $12\%$

  4. $14\%$

Correct Option: A

We know that $I=\dfrac{PTR}{100}$

where $I$ is the simple interest

$P$ is the principal amount

$T$ is the time period and

$R$ is the rate of interest

and $A=P+I$

where $A$ is the total amount

Given that $P=1625,A=2080$ and $T=3\dfrac 12years=3.5$

Therefore, $2080=1625+\dfrac{1625(3.5)(R)}{100}$

$\implies 455=\dfrac{5687.5(R)}{100}$

$\implies R=\dfrac{45500}{5687.5}=8\%$

Therefore, the rate of interest is $8\%$

At what rate per cent of simple interest will a sum of money double itself in $12$ years?

  1. $7\dfrac{1}{2}\%$

  2. $8\dfrac{1}{3}\%$

  3. $10\%$

  4. $12\%$

Correct Option: B

In case of Simple interest, total amount $A$ is,

$r=$interest rate
$t=$time (in years)=$12$ (given)

After $12$ years, Sum of money doubles itself,
that is $A=2P$

Now apply the formula,



At what rate per cent per annum will the simple interest on Rs. $6720$ be Rs. $1911$ in $3$ years $3$ months?

  1. $7\dfrac{3}{4}\%$

  2. $8\dfrac{3}{4}\%$

  3. $10\dfrac{1}{4}\%$

  4. $11\dfrac{2}{3}\%$

Correct Option: B

According to question, we have:

$6720\times \cfrac{13}{4}\times \cfrac{r}{100}=1911$
$\Rightarrow r=\cfrac{1911\times 4\times 100}{6720\times 13}$
$\Rightarrow r=\cfrac{34}{4}=8\cfrac{3}{4}\%$

Gopal has a cumulative deposit account and deposits Rs. $900 $per month for a period of $4$ years. If he gets Rs.$ 52,020$ at the time of maturity, find the rate of interest.

  1. $5\%$

  2. $2\%$

  3. $10\%$

  4. $12\%$

Correct Option: C
Installment per month $\left( P \right) = Rs. 900$
No. of months $\left( n \right) = 4 \text{ years} = 12 \times 4 = 48 \text{ months}$
Let rate of interest be $r \%$ per annum
$t = \cfrac{n \left( n + 1 \right)}{2\times 12} = \cfrac{48 \times 49}{24} = 98$
$\therefore \; S.I. = P \times \cfrac{n \left( n + 1 \right)}{2\times 12} \times \cfrac{r}{100}$
$\Rightarrow \; S.I. = 900 \times \cfrac{48 \left( 48 + 1 \right)}{2\times 12} \times \cfrac{r}{100} = Rs. 882 r$
Maturity value $= Rs. \left(900 \times 48 + 882 r \right) = Rs \left( 43200 + 882 r \right)$
maturity value $= Rs. 52020$
$\therefore \; 43200 + 882 r = 52020$
$\Rightarrow \; 882 r = 52020 - 43200$
$\Rightarrow \; r = \cfrac{8820}{882} = 10 \%$
Hence, rate of interest $10 \%$.

A factory kept increasing its output by the same percentage every year. Find the percentage if it is known that the output is doubled in the last two years.

  1. $47.53\%$

  2. $45.26\%$

  3. $43.42\%$

  4. $41.42\%$

Correct Option: D

Given that the output is doubled in last two years
Let the output before $2$ years be$= x$
Hence after two years it will be$= 2x$

so $n=2$
now using formula $=A=P(1+\frac{R}{100})^n$
Now put the value on given formula .
=> $2x=x(1+\frac{R}{100})^2$
so option D is correct.

If the compound interest on an amount of $29000$ in two years is $9352.5$, what is the rate of interest?

  1. $11\%$

  2. $9\%$

  3. $15\%$

  4. $18\%$

Correct Option: C

We know that 

$\Rightarrow Total\space amount=P(1+\dfrac{R}{100})^n$

Here $P=29000; \space n=2;\space interest=9352.5$

$\Rightarrow 29000+9352.5=(29000)(1+\dfrac{R}{100})^2$

$\Rightarrow 38352.5=(29000)(1+\dfrac{R}{100})^2$

$\Rightarrow 1.3225=(1+\dfrac{R}{100})^2$

$\Rightarrow 1+\dfrac{R}{100}=1.15$

$\Rightarrow \dfrac{R}{100}=0.15$

$\Rightarrow R=15$

Therefore, Rate of interest is $15\%$

The difference between simple and compound interest on sum of $10000$ is $64$ for $2$ years. Find the rate of interest.  

  1. $8$

  2. $64$

  3. $4$

  4. $2$

Correct Option: A
Simple Interest $=\dfrac{PNR}{100}$

Compound Interest $=P\left(1+\dfrac{R}{100}\right)^N-P$
$P\left(1+\dfrac{R}{100}\right)^N-P$ $-\dfrac{PNR}{100}=64$

$\left[10000\times \left(1+\dfrac{R}{100}\right)^2-10000\right]-\left(\dfrac{10000\times R\times 2}{100}\right)=64$

$\Rightarrow$  $10000\left[\left(1+\dfrac{R}{100}\right)^2-1-\dfrac{2R}{100}\right]=64$

$\Rightarrow$  $10000\left[\dfrac{(100+R)^2}{10000}-1-\dfrac{2R}{100}\right]=64$

$\Rightarrow$  $10000\left[\dfrac{10000+200R+R^2-10000-200R}{10000}\right]=64$

$\Rightarrow$  $R^2=64$

$\Rightarrow$  $R=8$

$\therefore$  $Rate=8\%$

A certain amount of money deposited for compound interest, becomes 3 times in 3 years. In how many years will that amount be 27 times the deposited amount if it is given for the same rate of interest?

  1. 9

  2. 6

  3. 12

  4. 8

Correct Option: A


For $t=3$
So, $3P=P(1+\cfrac{R}{100})^3\implies R=(3^{2/3}-1)100$
Now, new amount $=27P$
So, $27P=P(1+\cfrac{R}{100})^t$
So, $\implies 27P=P(1+\cfrac{(3^{2/3}-1)100}{100})^t$
$\implies t=9$ years

A sum of money doubled in $10$ years. The rate of interest per annum is?

  1. $20\%$

  2. $15\%$

  3. $18\%$

  4. $10\%$

Correct Option: A