Tag: location and expansion - north america

Questions Related to location and expansion - north america

What is the latitudinal extend of North America?

  1. $5^0N-72^0N$ latitude

  2. $7^0N-84^0N$ latitude

  3. $10^0N-88^0N$ latitude

  4. $10^0N-90^0N$ latitude

Correct Option: B

What is the East West extent of North America?

  1. 6,000 km

  2. 6,200 km

  3. 6,400 km

  4. 6,600 km

Correct Option: C

What is the North South extent of North America?

  1. 7,500 km

  2. 8,000 km

  3. 8,500 km

  4. 8,700 km

Correct Option: C

In which year North America was discovered by Christopher Columbus?

  1. 1457

  2. 1482

  3. 1492

  4. 1498

Correct Option: C

What is the longitudinal extent of North America?

  1. $23^0W-72^0W$ latitude

  2. $30^0W-110^0W$ latitude

  3. $53^0W-150^0W$ latitude

  4. $53^0W-180^0W$ latitude

Correct Option: D

What is the area of North America?

  1. 23.21 million sq km

  2. 24.25 million sq km

  3. 25.12 million sq km

  4. 25.87 million sq km

Correct Option: B

Which is the highest peak of North America?

  1. Mount Lucania

  2. Mount Charleston

  3. Mount Foraker

  4. Mount McKinley

Correct Option: D

Which strait separates North America from Asia?

  1. Strait of Gibraltar

  2. Bering Strait

  3. Sunda Strait

  4. Strait of Otranto

Correct Option: B

Which is the largest continent in North America?

  1. U.S.A

  2. Canada

  3. Mexico

  4. Costa Rica

Correct Option: B

The Niagra fall is between which of the following lakes?

  1. Lake Superior and lake Huron

  2. Lake Erie and lake MIchigan

  3. Lake Erie and lake Ontario

  4. Lake Huron and lake Erie

Correct Option: C