Tag: compatibility of blood groups

Questions Related to compatibility of blood groups

Rh factor occurs in

  1. All vertebrates

  2. All reptiles

  3. All mammals

  4. Man and Rhesus monkey only.

Correct Option: D

Which blood transfusion is correct?

  1. A $\rightarrow$ B

  2. B $\rightarrow$ A

  3. AB $\rightarrow$ A

  4. O $\rightarrow$ B.

Correct Option: D

Blood group agglutinogen is

  1. Phosphoprotein

  2. Glycoprotein

  3. Haemoprotein

  4. Phospholipid.

Correct Option: B

Haemolytic disease of new born due to Rh incompatibility is

  1. Erythroblastosis foetalis

  2. Hydrops foetalis

  3. Kernicterus

  4. All the above.

Correct Option: A

If the foetus is Rh (+) ve and the mother is Rh (-) ve, then

  1. Foetus will transmit blood toxin to mother

  2. Foetus will transmit antibody to mother's blood

  3. Foetus is attacked by antibodies of mother's blood

  4. Foetus is attacked by antigen of mother's blood

Correct Option: C

What is true of blood group B

  1. The person can form antibody b

  2. The person cannot form antibody b

  3. The person cannot be given blood of 'O' group

  4. The person can receive blood of AB group.

Correct Option: B

The natural antibodies in the plasma of a person with blood group 'O' is

  1. anti-A

  2. anti-B

  3. anti-A and anti-B

  4. anti-B and anti-D

  5. anti-D.

Correct Option: C

Clumping of RBC may occur when blood of one person is mixed with serum or blood of another person. This is due to

  1. Antigen-antibody reaction

  2. Antitoxin-antibody reaction

  3. Antigen-antigen reaction

  4. Antibody-antibody reaction

Correct Option: A

The RBC membrane contains either antigen A or antigen B, or both Antigen A and B or no antigen at all, accordingly the blood is classified as blood group A , B , AB and O respectively. The blood plasma of blood group A will have antibodies for B, that of B will have antibodies for A,  that of AB will have non, while that of O will have both the antibodies. If blood is transfused at random this will lead to antigen-antibody reaction - like if A is the blood group of the recipient while the blood group of the donor happens to be B, this will lead to clumping of the RBCs.

So, the correct answer is 'Antigen-antibody reaction'

Anti-A and Anti-B antibodies are not found in which of the following blood group?

  1. AB

  2. A

  3. O

  4. B

Correct Option: A

The cell membrane of RBCs in AB blood group contain both antigen A as well as antigen B therefore the blood plasma does not contain antibody A and Antibody B, to prevent the coagulation of blood cells due to antigen-antibody reactions.

So, the correct answer is 'AB'