Tag: ado

Questions Related to ado

  1. ADODB.Connection

  2. ADODB.Recordset

  3. ADODB.Command

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
  1. Open the database, interact with the db, close the database

  2. Open a connection, interact with the db, close the connection

Correct Option: B
  1. Connection object, RecordingSet object

  2. Connection object, Recordset object

  3. Connect object, RecordingSet object

  4. Connect object, Recordset object

Correct Option: B

What is a connection object?

  1. Specifies whether to use a DSN or DSN-less connection

  2. Specifies which type of database is being used

  3. Specifies the type of driver to use, database format and filename

  4. First opens the initial connection to a database before giving any database information

Correct Option: D

What is a connection string?

  1. Specifies whether to use a DSN or DSN-less connection

  2. Specifies which type of database is being used

  3. Specifies the type of ODBC driver to use, database format and filename

  4. Opens the initial connection to a database

Correct Option: C
  1. DNS, DNS-less

  2. DSN, DSN-less

  3. ODBC, ADO


Correct Option: B

Which connection method requires a connection object?

  1. DSN

  2. DSN-less

  3. Both

Correct Option: C

What information can a connection string contain about the database you are trying to connect to?

  1. Type of database

  2. Type of driver to use

  3. Location of database

  4. username

  5. All Of The Above

Correct Option: E