Tag: ado

Questions Related to ado

  1. ADODB.Connection

  2. ADODB.Recordset

  3. ADODB.Command

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
  1. Open the database, interact with the db, close the database

  2. Open a connection, interact with the db, close the connection

Correct Option: B
  1. Connection object, RecordingSet object

  2. Connection object, Recordset object

  3. Connect object, RecordingSet object

  4. Connect object, Recordset object

Correct Option: B
  1. Specifies whether to use a DSN or DSN-less connection

  2. Specifies which type of database is being used

  3. Specifies the type of driver to use, database format and filename

  4. First opens the initial connection to a database before giving any database information

Correct Option: D
  1. Specifies whether to use a DSN or DSN-less connection

  2. Specifies which type of database is being used

  3. Specifies the type of ODBC driver to use, database format and filename

  4. Opens the initial connection to a database

Correct Option: C
  1. DNS, DNS-less

  2. DSN, DSN-less

  3. ODBC, ADO


Correct Option: B

Which connection method requires a connection object?

  1. DSN

  2. DSN-less

  3. Both

Correct Option: C

Which connection method requires a connection string?

  1. DSN

  2. DSN-less

  3. Both

Correct Option: C
  1. Type of database

  2. Type of driver to use

  3. Location of database

  4. username

  5. All Of The Above

Correct Option: E