Tag: components of earth

Questions Related to components of earth

Wearing down of top soil is called _________.

  1. Washing

  2. Erosion

  3. Corrosion

  4. Denundation

Correct Option: B

B. Erosion

Soil erosion is defined as the wearing away of topsoil. Topsoil is the top layer of soil and is the most fertile because it contains the most organic, nutrient-rich materials. One of the main causes of soil erosion is water erosion, which is the loss of topsoil due to water.

Which of the following is responsible for the movement of plates?

  1. The rust and the mantle are composed in different ways.

  2. They are convered by the oceanic crust far exceeds that of the continental crust.

  3. The inner core is solid through its temperature exceeds that of the outer and the mantle.

  4. There is huge temperature difference between the top bottom the mantle.

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is found most abundantly in the earth crust?

  1. Carbon

  2. Iron

  3. Silica

  4. Calcium

Correct Option: C

What is Graticule?

  1. The difference between the local time and the standard time of a place

  2. The difference between the standard time of a place and the G.M.T.

  3. The latitudinal and longitudinal extent of a country or an island

  4. The complete network of parallels and meridians on the earth

Correct Option: D

Natural satellite of the earth is ___________.

  1. Moon

  2. Sputnik

  3. Aryabhatta

  4. Rohini

Correct Option: A

According to astronomy, a relatively small body that revolves around a planet is termed a satellite. Moon is the single natural satellite of earth as it revolves around the earth. 

Layer of gases around the earth is called __________.

  1. lithosphere

  2. hydrosphere

  3. atmosphere

  4. stratosphere

Correct Option: C

C. Atmosphere

The thin layer of gases surrounding the earth is called the atmosphere. Earth's atmosphere is separated into five layers known as the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere and exosphere.

Top most layer of the soil is called _________.

  1. top soil

  2. core

  3. silt

  4. alluvium

Correct Option: A

The topmost layer of the soil is called topsoil. This layer is usually fairly loose, porous, dark and rich in humus. The humus is derived from decomposed and partly decomposed organic matters of plant and animal origin in the soil. It plays important role in maintaining the fertility of the soil.

The atmosphere is negligible at a distance of ____________.

  1. 180 km

  2. 160 km

  3. 150 km

  4. 100km

Correct Option: A

A period of the earth's geological history, about 55 million years old, is called __________.

  1. The primary age

  2. The secondary age

  3. The tertiary age

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

In the earth's ecological history time period which is about 55 million years old was called the primary age.

It is estimated that during this period only the climate event started. during this time configuration of oceans and continents was also different.

Atmosphere of the earth is held by _____________.

  1. Frictional force

  2. Reaction force

  3. Electromagnetic force

  4. Gravitational force

Correct Option: D

D.  Gravitational Force

Earth's atmosphere is the layer of gases around the Earth. The atmosphere is held in place by Earth's gravity. It is made up of nitrogen (78.1%) and oxygen (20.9%), with small amounts of argon (0.9%), carbon dioxide (0.035%), water vapor, and other gases. The atmosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing (taking) ultraviolet rays from the sun. It makes our days cooler and our nights warmer.

Solid particulates, including ash, dust, volcanic ash, etc. are small parts of atmosphere. They are important in making clouds and fog.