Tag: types of nutrition in plants

Questions Related to types of nutrition in plants

Which one of the following is a total parasite ?

  1. Nepenthes

  2. Rhozobium

  3. Cuscuta

  4. Lichens

Correct Option: C

A.Nepenthes - It is an insectivorous plant.

B.Rhizobium - Rod shaped, aerobic, Nitrogen fixing bacterium.
C.Cuscuta - complete stem parasite.
D.Lichens - Special type of plants formed by the association of algae and fungi.
So, the correct option is 'Cuscuta'

What are examples of saprotrophs?

  1. Bacteria and Fungi

  2. Cats and Rats

  3. Buffaloes

  4. Lions and Tiger

Correct Option: A

Which organism transforms complex organic compounds back into simple inorganic compound?

  1. Saprotrophs

  2. Consumers

  3. Producers

  4. Herbivores

Correct Option: A

Indian pipe plant are example of ______

  1. Autotrophic plant.

  2. Angiosperm

  3. Saprophyte

  4. Parasite

Correct Option: C

Saprophytes are the class of organism that have saprophytic mode of nutrition. They feed on dead living organism. Indian pipe plant :- it is not a fungus, it just looks like one. It is actually a flowering plant, and it is a member of the blueberry family.

When two gametes come together to form sporophyte, the sporphyte dies due to

  1. Genetic imcompatibility

  2. Hybrid sterility

  3. Sporophytic inviability

  4. Sporophytic breakdown

Correct Option: C

Nepenthes belongs to the category of

  1. Primary consumer

  2. Producer

  3. Secondary consumer

  4. Both B and C

Correct Option: D

Nepenthes belongs to the category of producer and secondary consumer. It is also called as topical pitcher plant. It belongs to category of producer as it can synthesize its own food using solar energy. It belongs to secondary consumer because it is a carnivorous plant. It  preys the insects and derives nitrogen from it. Thus, the correct answer is 'Both B and C.'

An association of two species where both the partners derive mutual benefit from each other is known as

  1. Parasitism

  2. Symbiosis

  3. Commensalism

  4. Predation

Correct Option: B

Mutualism or symbiosis is a mutually beneficial relationship between individuals of two different species. None of the two is capable of living separately. Mutualism and symbiosis are synonyms though symbiosis was formerly considered to be any interaction between two different organisms. Some workers also consider symbiosis to be mutualism, which involves close physical contact. Mutualism or symbiosis is generally considered to be obligatory e.g., nitrogen fixing Rhizobium bacteria living in root nodules of leguminous plants and mycorrhizae (fungus living in association with roots of higher plants like Gymnosperms).

The Orobanche plant is

  1. Partial root parasite

  2. Total root parasite

  3. Symbiont

  4. Total stem parasite

Correct Option: B

Orobanche plant has no chlorophyll and is parasitic herbaceous plant. It is total root parasite.

Find the one that is not involved in symbiotic nutrition.

  1. Lichen

  2. Mycorrhiza

  3. Mucor

  4. Rhizobium

Correct Option: C

Mucor is fungi that are found in soil, digestive systems etc.

Rest three are involved in symbiosis. Lichens are the symbiotic association between algae and fungi where the algae provide nutrition and fungi provides a place to live and protection.
Mycorrhiza is the symbiotic association in between fungi and roots of higher plants. eg. orchids and pine.
Rhizobium is a nitrogen-fixing bacteria that is in association with the root nodules of the legumes plants.
So, the correct option is 'Mucor'

The special root-like structure of plant parasites in cuscuta and viscum are called 

  1. Rhizoids

  2. Hasutoria

  3. Hyphae

  4. Stolons

Correct Option: B