Tag: role of various nutrients

Questions Related to role of various nutrients

Engulfing of food in solid or fluid state is

  1. Saprozoic nutrition

  2. Parasitic nutrition

  3. Saprophytic nutrition

  4. Holozoic nutrition

Correct Option: D
Holozoic nutrition is a type of heterotrophic nutrition that is characterized by the ingestion and internal processing of gaseous, liquid or solid food particles Protozoa, such as amoebas, and most of the animals, exhibit this type of nutrition. There are several stages of holozoic nutrition, which often occur in separate compartments within an organism :
  • Ingestion 
  • Digestion
  • Absorption
  • Assimilation and
  • Egestion.
Hence, the engulfing of food in a solid or liquid state is holozoic nutrition.
So, the correct answer is 'holozoic nutrition'.

Which scientist first extracted rennin from a calf stomach helping to make cheese more easily?

  1. Karl August Folkers

  2. Christian Hansen

  3. Richard Kuhn

  4. George Wald

Correct Option: B
Rennet is a complex set of enzymes produced in the stomachs of ruminant mammals. Chymosin, its key component, is a protease enzyme that curdles the casein in milk. This .Helps young mammals digest their mothers' milk. Rennet can also be used to separate milk into solid curds for cheese making. Calf rennet is extracted from the inner mucosa of the fourth stomach chamber . First extracted by 'Christian Hansen'. So, the correct option is "B" (Christian Hansen).

In amoeba, the digestion is intracellular because

  1. Amoeba is unicellular

  2. Amoeba is multicellular

  3. Amoeba is found in a pond

  4. Amoeba is a microscopic animal

Correct Option: A

Amoeba, a protozoan employs intracellular digestion for deriving nutrition. Food is ingested with the pseudopodium by invagination of cell membrane and subsequently stored into the food/gastric vacuole. This due to cytoplasmic movements combine with the lysosome where the food is broken down to simpler products and assimilated. Finally, the waste is removed by exocytosis by the contractile vacuole.

Digestion is a .......... process

  1. Mechanical

  2. Chemical

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Digestion is the combination of mechanical as it food convert into a paste by teeth through a process called as mastication and chemical process as it requires various enzymes that break down the complex food material into simpler absorbable form.

So, the correct option is 'Both A and B'

Which of the following occurs in maximum concentration in blood plasma (extracellular fluid)?

  1. K$^+$

  2. Mg$^{+2}$

  3. Ca$^{+2}$

  4. Na$^+$

Correct Option: D

Term ECF is used for "Extra Cellular Fluid". The outside environment of a living cell is rich in sodium where as interior of a living cell is always rich in potassium ions. This differential concentration is maintained by sodium potassium pump operating in cell membrane of living cells.

Which of the following animal/s exhibit a holozoic mode of nutrition?

  1. Amoeba

  2. Paramoecium

  3. Honey bee

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Holo-whole and zoic means animals so animal that eats their food completely in the form of a liquid or solid and process it inside the body. The food particle is ingested and then enzymes act on it to digest it. It includes five steps ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and excretion and most of the animals practice this type of nutrition including humans.

So, the correct option is 'All of the above'

Which element is most abundant outside animal cell?

  1. Na

  2. K

  3. I$ _2$

  4. Fe

Correct Option: A

Living systems in general maintain a high intracellular concentration of potassium and low intracellular concentration of sodium. Living systems operate sodium potassium pump for this purpose which actively throws out sodium from the cytoplasm and transports potassium ions from extracellular environment to inside the cytoplasm.

Liver necrosis and muscular dystrophy is measured by the lack of this trace element.

  1. Arsenic

  2. Molybdenum

  3. Zinc

  4. Selenium

Correct Option: D

Epidemiological studies revels that low serum Selenium levels are associated with increased risk of  cardio-vascular diseases, liver necrosis, muscular dystrophy, pancreatic fibrosis, reproductive disorders and various cancers.
Selenium, along with vitamin E, prevents the development of hepatic necrosis and muscular dystrophy.
The good sources of Selenium are organ meat ( liver, kidney) and sea food.

Defaecation is carried out by mass peristaltic movement and is a

  1. Voluntary process

  2. Involuntary process

  3. Partly voluntary and partly involuntary process

  4. Initially involuntary process then voluntary process

Correct Option: A

Liver necrosis and muscular dystrophy are caused by the lack of this trace element

  1. Arsenic

  2. Molybdenum

  3. Zinc

  4. Seleneium

Correct Option: D

Epidemiological studies reveals that low serum Selenium levels are associated with increased risk of cardio-vascular diseases, liver necrosis, muscular dystrophy, pancreatic fibrosis, reproductive disorders and various cancers.
Selenium, along with vitamin E, prevents the development of hepatic necrosis and muscular dystrophy.
The good sources of Selenium are organ meat ( liver, kidney) and sea food.