Tag: land,labour, capital and entrepreneur

Questions Related to land,labour, capital and entrepreneur

Don't press the panic button. Despite the crisis in Japan's plants, India must not take nuclear power off the table.
In view of recent nuclear blasts due to Tsunami in Japan, countries are:
  1. going to stop nuclear-energy plan

  2. devising methods to avoid this type of disaster

  3. stressing thermal energy plan

  4. stressing hydro-electric power

Correct Option: B

To avoid nuclear blasts due to Tsunami in Japan counteries are devising methods to avoid this types of disasters.

The soil is formed by the breaking down of rocks by the action of _____.

  1. wind

  2. water

  3. climate

  4. all of these

Correct Option: D

The soil is formed by breaking down of rocks by an action of wind, water and climates like thawing of water that seeped through rock and climatic changes such as weathering of rocks, landslides also causes breaking of big rocks. This is how soil is formed by all these natural processes.

In short run when the level of production increases, average fixed cost will____.

  1. remain same

  2. decrease

  3. increase

  4. all the three possible depending upon the merit of case

Correct Option: B
The AFC curve is asymptotic to to both the x and y axis as the fixed cost can never be 0 since fixed cost is positive. It slopes downwards throughout its length from left to right showing continuous fall in average fixed cost with an increase in output. 

In the long run ___________.

  1. all inputs are fixed

  2. all inputs are variable

  3. some inputs are fixed and rest are variable

  4. a few are variable and rest are fixed

Correct Option: B

In the long run all inputs are variable as there is enough time for all factors to adjust according to the requirements for achieving least cost output. 

Which of these statement is more appropriate for Fixed costs ____________?

  1. Fixed cost is fixed only in short run

  2. It is fixed in long run also

  3. It varies with the change in level of output

  4. It is strictly avoidable in short run also

Correct Option: A