Tag: importance of pollination

Questions Related to importance of pollination

Plants of which one of the following groups of genera are pollinated by the same agency.

  1. Triticum, Cocos, Mangifera

  2. Fiscu, Kigelia, Casuarina

  3. Bombax, Butea, Bauhinia

  4. Salvia, Morus, Euphorbia

Correct Option: C

With reference to the pollination stage in angiosperms, consider the following statements.
a. Pollen grains become dehydrated
b. Antipodals degenerate
Which of the statements given is/are correct?

  1. $1$ only

  2. $2$ only

  3. Both $1$ and $2$

  4. Neither $1$ nor $2$

Correct Option: A

Hypohydrogamous pollination occurs in.

  1. Vallisneria

  2. Elodea

  3. Ceratophyllum

  4. Hydrilla

Correct Option: A

Intra-specific incompatibility can be overcome by.

  1. Intra-ovarian pollination

  2. Wetting of the stigma

  3. Bud-pollination

  4. Mixed pollination

Correct Option: A

If the number of chromosomes, in the foot of fern embryo is
8 what should be the number in its spores

  1. 4

  2. 8

  3. 16

  4. 23

Correct Option: A

In ferns spores are haploid hence they have half number of chromosomes where as embryo is diploid.

Hilum of seed is

  1. Scar of micropyle

  2. Scar of funiculus

  3. Area through which pollen tube enters the ovule

  4. Glandular and attractant region of ovule

Correct Option: B

The outer surface of seed shows a scar or mark of attachment with the seed stalk. It is called hilum. There is small pore, called micropyle, which represent the micropyle of ovule.

So, the correct answer is 'Scar of funiculus'.

Testa of seed develops from

  1. Ovary wall

  2. Hilum

  3. Outer integument

  4. Funicle

Correct Option: C
A. Ovary becomes a fruit.
B. The hilum marks the point of attachment to the stalk.
C. Outer integument becomes hard and leathery testa or outer seed coat which ensures survival of seeds.
D. Funicle is transformed into stalk of the seed.
So, the correct answer is 'Outer integument'.

Tegmen develops from

  1. Funiculus

  2. Chalaza

  3. Inner integument

  4. Outer integument

Correct Option: C

A. Funiculus- It is the stalk like structure which attaches the ovule to the placenta.

B. Chalaza- It is the place of origin of the integuments or the basal swollen part of the nucellus.
C. The inner integuments, if persists, forms the tegmen.
D. The outer integument becomes hard and leathery testa or outer seed coat which ensures survival of seeds.
So, the correct answer is 'Inner Integument'.

Seeds are products of sexual reproduction because they

  1. Give rise to new plants

  2. Have variability

  3. Are formed by fusion of gametes

  4. Are formed by fusion of pollen tube

Correct Option: C

Double fertilization in angiosperms triggers the transformation of ovule into a seed. The zygote delvelops into an embryo. In double fertilization, one male gamete fuses with the egg to form the diploid zygote, the other male gamete fuses with the two polar nuclei to form the triploid primary endosperm nucleus.

So, the correct answer is 'Are formed by fusion of gametes'.

Residual persistent nucellus is known as

  1. Perisperm

  2. Integument

  3. Pericarp

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

A. The nucellus is generally used up during the development of embryo, but in some cases, it remains outside the endosperm in the form of a thin layer, called perisperm.

B. Integuments- These are outer covering of ovule which provide protection to the developing embryo.

C. Pericarp or fruit developed from wall of the ovary.

So, the correct answer is 'Perisperm'.