Tag: reproduction and modification in plants

Questions Related to reproduction and modification in plants

Even in absence of pollinating agents seed setting is assured inĀ 

  1. Commelina

  2. Zostera

  3. Salvia

  4. Fig

Correct Option: A

Even in absence of pollinating agents, seed setting is assured in Commelina, which is also called as 'Asiatic dayflower'. They lack nectar, they offer only pollen as a reward to their visitors. To attract pollinators, the plant has three types of brightly coloured floral organs: the large blue petals, fertile yellow anthers and infertile yellow antherodes that lack pollen.

Plants of which one of the following groups of genera are pollinated by the same agency.

  1. Triticum, Cocos, Mangifera

  2. Fiscu, Kigelia, Casuarina

  3. Bombax, Butea, Bauhinia

  4. Salvia, Morus, Euphorbia

Correct Option: C

With reference to the pollination stage in angiosperms, consider the following statements.
a. Pollen grains become dehydrated
b. Antipodals degenerate
Which of the statements given is/are correct?

  1. $1$ only

  2. $2$ only

  3. Both $1$ and $2$

  4. Neither $1$ nor $2$

Correct Option: A

Hypohydrogamous pollination occurs in.

  1. Vallisneria

  2. Elodea

  3. Ceratophyllum

  4. Hydrilla

Correct Option: A

Intra-specific incompatibility can be overcome by.

  1. Intra-ovarian pollination

  2. Wetting of the stigma

  3. Bud-pollination

  4. Mixed pollination

Correct Option: A