Tag: solvent extraction

Questions Related to solvent extraction

A mixture contains two solids A and B. Solid A is light in weight while solid B is very heavy. Their sizes are almost same. Here, A is the unwanted component. To get pure solid B, which separation method would you suggest?

  1. sieving

  2. winnowing

  3. magnetic separation

  4. filtration

Correct Option: B

Winnowing is a traditional method in water air current is blown to separate particles of light weight and heavier weight.

Which of the following mixtures will be the most difficult do separate?

  1. Iron filings + sand

  2. Sand + water

  3. Saw dust + stones

  4. Nitrogen + hydrogen

Correct Option: D

Nitrogen and Hydrogen gets react and converted into ammonia their occurs a chemical change hence separation of nitrogen and hydrogen is most difficult.

Benzene and water can be separated by

  1. Separating funnel

  2. Sublimation

  3. Fractional distillatioln

  4. Filtration

Correct Option: A

Benzene and water are immiscible, liquids. They can be separated by separating funnel.

To separate ammonium chloride from common salt, we use:

  1. filtration

  2. sedimentation

  3. sieving

  4. sublimation

Correct Option: D

Sublimation is a specialized change of state when a solid substance skips the liquid phase and moves directly into the gas phase. This occurs because the substance absorbs energy so quickly from the surroundings that melting never occurs.

Ammonium chloride separated from common salt by sublimation process.

Sand and water can be separated by:

  1. decantation

  2. sieving

  3. sublimation

  4. magnetic separation

Correct Option: A

Decantation is a process for the separation of mixtures of immiscible liquids or of a liquid and a solid mixture such as a suspension. Sand from water can be separated by decantation.

You can use decantation to separate:

  1. two miscible liquids

  2. two immiscible liquids

  3. two metals in an alloy

  4. solid-solid mixture

Correct Option: B

Decantation is a process for the separation of mixtures of immiscible liquids or of a liquid and a solid mixture such as a suspension. Example sand from water can be separated by decantation.

A small boy mischievously mixed small pebbles into a bag of pulses. What method will you employ to separate the mixture?

  1. Magnetic separation

  2. Crystallisation

  3. Handpicking

  4. Filtration

Correct Option: C

The method in which substances in a mixture can be separated by just picking them out with the help of hand from the mixture is known as handpicking method. It is one of the various methods which are carried out in dry conditions.

Greasy spots can be removed from clothes by:

  1. evaporation

  2. sublimation

  3. fractional distillation

  4. dissolving in a suitable solvent

Correct Option: D

Greasy spots can be removed from clothes by dissolving them in a suitable solvent. For example, aqueous ammonia is used in laundries as a solvent for removing grease and oil stains.

Hence, option D is correct.

Wheat flour can be separated from wheat bran by:

  1. hand picking

  2. sieving

  3. winnowing

  4. filtration

Correct Option: B

Sieving is a device for separation of particles based on their size difference,

so, wheat flour can be separated from wheat bran by sieving.

Seperation of two immiscible liquids is based on :

  1. difference in the solubility of the two liquids

  2. difference in the densities of the two liquids

  3. difference in melting point of the two liquids

  4. difference in boiling point of the two liquids

Correct Option: B

Separation of two immiscible liquids is based on difference the densities of the two liquids. The method is used for separating two immiscible liquids, such as oil and water.