Tag: infectious diseases

Questions Related to infectious diseases

The human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) is a living entity because it can

  1. Undergoes reproduction in the host cell

  2. Disturb host cell respiration

  3. Excrete in human serum

  4. Move from one cell to another

Correct Option: A
HIV infects a type of white blood cell in the body’s immune system called a T-helper cell (also called a $CD _4$ cell). These vital cells keep us healthy by fighting off infections and diseases. HIV cannot grow or reproduce on its own. Instead, the virus attaches itself to a T-helper cell and fuses with it. It then takes control of the cell’s DNA, replicates itself inside the cell, and finally releases more HIV into the blood – continuing the multiplication process. This is the HIV life cycle. 
So the correct option is 'Undergoes reproduction in the host cell'

At which stage of HIV infection does on usually show symptoms of AIDS?

  1. When the infecting retrovirus enters host cells

  2. When vital DNA is produced by reverse transcriptase

  3. When HIV replicates rapidly in helper T-lymphocytes and damage large number of these

  4. Within $15$ days of sexual contact with an infected person

Correct Option: A