Tag: measurement of area, volume and density

Questions Related to measurement of area, volume and density

1 liter = ______cm$^3$

  1. 100

  2. 1000

  3. 10

  4. 1

Correct Option: B

We know that: $1 m^3=1000\ liter$

Aslo, $1m^3=10^6cm^3$
$1000\ liter=10^6 cm^3$
$1\ liter=1000\ cm^3$

1 cm$^3=$ ______ ml

  1. 1

  2. 10

  3. 0.1

  4. 100

Correct Option: A

We know that $1 m^3=1000\ liter=1000\times 1000ml$

Aslo $1m^3=10^6cm^3$
So, $10^6 cm^3=1000\times 1000 ml$
$\Rightarrow 1 cm^3=1ml$

The length, breadth and height of a glass slab are respectively $50 cm$, $20 cm$ and $25 cm$. Find the volume of the slab.

  1. $25 \times 10^3 cm^3$

  2. $5.0 \times 10^3 cm^3$

  3. $2.5 \times 10^2 cm^3$

  4. $5.0 \times 10^2 cm^3$

Correct Option: A

Volume$=$Length$\times$ breadth$\times$ depth

Volume$=50\times20\times25cm^{3}=25000cm^3=25\times10^3 cm^3$