Tag: substances which allow light to pass through and those which do not

Questions Related to substances which allow light to pass through and those which do not

State whether true or false.
The shadow formed by a red opaque object is red in colour.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

A shadow is a dark area where light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object. It occupies all of the three-dimensional volume behind an object with light in front of it. Hence the shadow formed by any color opaque object will be black only.

Transparent objects:

  1. do not let light pass through them

  2. allow light to pass through them

  3. absorb some amount of light and allow the remaining to pass through them

  4. reflect all the amount of light falling on them

Correct Option: B

Property of light.

Water is

  1. Transparent

  2. Translucent

  3. Opaque

  4. Polymer

Correct Option: A

Transparent objects allow the light to pass through them. 
Water is transparent as it allows light to pass through it.

Substances that allow light to pass through them are called

  1. Transparent

  2. Translucent

  3. Opaque

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Transparent objects are those objects that allow large quantities of light to pass through them. 

Air, water and shiny glass are all examples of transparent materials.

Transparent objects.

  1. do not let light to pass through them

  2. allow light to pass through them

  3. absorb some amount of light and allow the remaining to pass through them

  4. reflect all the amount of light falling on them

Correct Option: B

Transparent objects allow light to pass through them. These are objects having the property of transmitting light without any appreciable scattering so that the bodies lying beyond it are seen clearly.

A substance through which light can pass is called a/an :

  1. light body

  2. transparent body

  3. opaque body

  4. translucent body

Correct Option: B

An object is defined as transperent when it allows all the rays striking on its surface to pass through it.

Which of the following body allows only a part of the light to pass through it ?

  1. oiled paper

  2. brick

  3. wood

  4. air

Correct Option: A

An object is defined as translucent object when it allows only a part of it to pass through it. For example an oiled paper.

A thin layer of water is transparent but a very thick layer of water is :

  1. translucent

  2. opaque

  3. most transparent

  4. completely transparent

Correct Option: A

Greater is the thickness of the layer of water, lesser the amount of light it allows to pass through

Name the body which absorbs all colours.

  1. Black

  2. White

  3. Red

  4. Yellow

Correct Option: A

Black objects absorb all colours so no light is reflected.

Black really isn't a color. Its the absence of colour. Colours have the colour they do because the named colour is the light colour that they reflect. In other words a red item reflects red light and absorbs all other colours. A blue coloured item reflects blue and absorbs all other colours except blue. So when an item is said to be black, it reflects no colour: therefore all colours are absorbed.

A body which allows most of the light to pass through it is called a :

  1. transparent body

  2. opaque body

  3. translucent body

  4. light medium

Correct Option: A

light can pass through a transparent body like glass