Tag: medieval world: centres of power

Questions Related to medieval world: centres of power

Who was the first Roman emperor?

  1. Augustus Caesar

  2. Julius Caesar

  3. Hadrian

  4. Marcus Aurelius

Correct Option: A

Augustus Caesar, also known as Gaius Octavius, was the first Roman emperor, and ruled the Roman Empire between 31 B.C. and his death in A.D. 14. Some historians date his reign beginning in 27 B.C., when he dispensed with republican titles and accepted the title "Augustus."

Which of the following did Romans value most?

  1. Being wealthy

  2. Political freedom

  3. Family life

  4. Religious freedom

Correct Option: C

The basic units of Roman society were households and families. Households included the head (usually the father) of the household, pater familias (father of the family), his wife, children, and other relatives. In the upper classes, slaves and servants were also part of the household. The head of the household had great power (patria potestas, "father's power") over those living with him: He could force marriage (usually for money) and divorce, sell his children into slavery, claim his dependents' property as his own, and even had the right to punish or kill family members (though this last right apparently ceased to be exercised after the 1st century BC).

Which of the following is NOT true of the Laws to Twelve Tables?

  1. They were created by the governing consuls

  2. They applied equally to all citizens

  3. They hung in the marketplace for all to see

  4. The plebians demanded that these laws be made

Correct Option: A

The thinkers of the Pericles era sought to find a new objective basis __________.

  1. for attaining ultimate knowledge

  2. for arriving at the truth

  3. for attaining happiness

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

The reign of which Roman emperor is considered as the 'Golden Age' of the Roman Empire?

  1. Augustus Caesar

  2. Julius Caesar

  3. Pompey

  4. Lepidus

Correct Option: B

Ancient Roman people were divided into how many classes?

  1. Two

  2. Three

  3. Four

  4. Seven

Correct Option: A
Roman political institutions reflected Roman society, which was divided into two classes:
  • patricians, wealthy elites
  • plebeians, the common people
Initially, only the patricians were able to hold political office and make important decisions. Hence, Option A is correct. The three class system was prevalent in French society, four class system was prevalent in China, while the seven class system is prevalent in 21st century Britain. Hence, these are incorrect. 

Whom did Carthage send as a general who defeated the Roman army and made a great part of Italy a desert?

  1. Hamilcar Barca

  2. Hannibal

  3. Xanthippus

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

When did Julius Caesar take power?

  1. 19 BCE

  2. 29 BCE

  3. 39 BCE

  4. 49 BCE

Correct Option: D

Who led the Romans in first Punic war?

  1. Julius Caesar

  2. Fabius

  3. Gaius Marius

  4. Marcus Antonius

Correct Option: B

Who among the following lived during the Age of Pericles?

  1. Herodotus

  2. Thucydides

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C