Tag: secularism

Questions Related to secularism

What does the term 'Secular; mean in the Indian Context?

  1. No State Religion

  2. One state Religion

  3. No Religion

  4. Sarvadharma Samohav

Correct Option: A

'Secular' means in the Indian Context that there is no official religion for the Indian state.
Hence, option $A$ is the correct answer.

The word 'secular' means _________________.

  1. Freedom to follow any religion.

  2. Official religion.

  3. Political rights.

  4. Religion of the majority

Correct Option: A

Secular means freedom to follow any religion. India has secularism where state will not interfere in citizen's religion. State will maintain equidistance from all religions.

Secularism means ____________________.

  1. suppression of all religions

  2. freedom of worship to minorities

  3. separation of religion from state

  4. a system of political and social philosophy that does not favour any particular

Correct Option: C

Option C is the correct answer because secularism is a belief system that rejects religion, or the belief that religion should not be part of the affairs of the state or part of public education. The principles of separation of church and state and of keeping religion out of the public school system are an example of secularism.

India is a __________.

  1. Hindu State

  2. Muslim State

  3. Sikh State

  4. Secular State

Correct Option: D

India is a  Secular State, which means that there is no official religion in India. The great Indian leaders like Gandhi and Nehru did not accept this ideology of official religion. They declared India as a secular state, which is the common Home of the Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis and all other citizens. All the citizens of India are Indian. 

India is called a secular state because _______. 

  1. people have the supreme right to make decisions.

  2. head of the state is an elected person.

  3. people should live like brothers and sister.

  4. government will not favour any religion.

Correct Option: D

Secularism in India means equal treatment of all religions by the state. With the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution of India enacted in 1976, the Preamble to the Constitution asserted that India is a secular nation. However, neither India's constitution nor its laws define the relationship between religion and state. The laws implicitly require the state and its institutions to recognize and accept all religions, enforce parliamentary laws instead of religious laws, and respect pluralism. India does not have an official state religion.

What does a person who doesn't discriminate others on the basis of religious beliefs is called?

  1. Communalist

  2. Secularist

  3. Casteist

  4. Feminist

Correct Option: B
  • Communalist is an individual who is interested in one's own minority or ethnic group than in society as a whole. 
  • Secularist believes that religion should not be involved with the ordinary social and political activities of a country. 
  • Casteist discriminates against people based on their caste. 
  • Feminist believes that women should have the same rights, power, opportunities as men and be treated equally. 

Which one of the following is an appropriate reason that Chinese Government did not manage famine effectively during 1958-61? 

  1. The government was indifferent

  2. The government was undemocratic

  3. The government was communist

  4. The government did not care for people

Correct Option: C

The reason that the Chinese Government did not manage famine effectively during 1951-1961 was that the government was communist. The Communist Party's official account of the Great Famine shows that the government policies were at fault. The Three Red Banners- General Line for Socialist construction, the Great Lea Forward, and the people's communes- laid out how Mao's socialist policies would transform China. But they are the defacto culprits of the Great Famine. 

A secular state is one that _______________.

  1. Does not have any official religion.

  2. Has one official religion

  3. Is ruled by priest.

  4. Is governed by rigid religious beliefs

Correct Option: A

Secularism means an ideology that does not favour any religion or in other words that fosters respect for all religions equally. Secular state means a state that does not have any official religion and which remains neutral in the matters of religion like India.

Which among the following statements about India's constitution is wrong? 

  1. Prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion

  2. Gives official status to one religion

  3. Provides to all individuals freedom to profess any religion

  4. Ensures equality of citizens within religious communities.

Correct Option: B

Indian constitution does not give official status to one religion. It is a Secular Nation. Secularism in India means equal treatment of all religions by the state. With the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution of India enacted in 1976, the Preamble to the Constitution asserted that India is a secular nation. However, neither India's constitution nor its laws define the relationship between religion and state. The laws implicitly require the state and its institutions to recognize and accept all religions, enforce parliamentary laws instead of religious laws, and respect pluralism.

Which Statement is true in the following?
(i) India is a secular nation.
(ii) India is a Mohammedan nation.
(iii) India is a Christian nation.
(iv) India is a Sinhalese nation.

  1. (i)

  2. (ii)

  3. (iii)

  4. (iv)

Correct Option: A

Secularism in India means equal treatment of all religions by the state. With the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution of India enacted in 1976, the Preamble to the Constitution asserted that India is a secular nation. However, neither India's constitution nor its laws define the relationship between religion and state. The laws implicitly require the state and its institutions to recognize and accept all religions, enforce parliamentary laws instead of religious laws, and respect pluralism.