Tag: the environment and us

Questions Related to the environment and us

Which of the following prevents afforestation in deserts?

  1. Goat and grazing animals

  2. Local resident

  3. Unfertility of soil

  4. Low rainfall

Correct Option: D

Major problem in desert is lack of rainfall. While grazing of animals and local residents can be controlled but without rainfall growth of trees and afforestation is not possible. 

Forest reserves can be protected through all measures except

  1. Laws inhibiting tree felling

  2. Laws allowing tree felling 

  3. Prohibition of hunting

  4. Human population control

Correct Option: B

The establishment of forest growth on areas that either had forest or lacked it is known as

  1. Deforestation.

  2. Organic farming.

  3. Forestation.

  4. None of these.

Correct Option: C

The establishment of a forest or stand of trees in an area where there was no previous tree cover is known as

  1. Deforestation.

  2. Afforestation.

  3. Forestation.

  4. None of these.

Correct Option: B

Desertification is a type of

  1. food preparation method for plants

  2. afforestation method

  3. land degradation

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Desertification is a type of land degradation in which relatively dry area of land becomes increasingly arid, typically losing its bodies of water as well as vegetation and wildlife.

The hard mineral crust formed at or near the surface of soil is known as

  1. Duripan.

  2. Duricrust.

  3. Anaerobic soil.

  4. Peat.

Correct Option: B

............ is a man-made source of air pollution.

  1. Desert

  2. Farming

  3. Dust storms

  4. Volcanic eruptions

Correct Option: B

Farming is considered as the major source of air pollution due to man. This is the man-made source of air pollution which allows the particles to enter the atmosphere. The movement of tractors will cause the soil particles to rise up in the air. The particles from the fertilizers and pesticides spray enter the atmosphere. Also during harvesting and husking, the small particles in the form of pollens and husks can result in air pollution. 

Thus, the correct answer is option B. 

Which  one of the following is not a reason for shortage of usable water?

  1. Over exploitation

  2. Climate change

  3. Deforestation

  4. Decrease in sea level

Correct Option: D

Overuse of the water resources will result in the exhaustion of the water supply. The climatic change has resulted in global warming and seasonal variations. There is a decrease in the annual rainfall which was received by a region due to shortening of the seasons. Deforestation has resulted in a decrease in the number of trees which thereby affect the amount of rainfall which was received. There is soil erosion which results in water run off.The decrease in the level of the sea is not a reason for the shortage of usable water. 

Thus, the correct answer is option D. 

In recent years, there has been an increasing incidence of floods in the plains of northern India because

  1. There has been an increase in annual rainfall

  2. The rate of silting of darns has gone up

  3. There has been increased deforestation in the catchment areas

  4. Increased areas of land is being self cultivated

Correct Option: C

Deforestation is the major causal agent of

  1. Depletion of natural resources

  2. Environmental pollution

  3. Desertification of habitat

  4. Genetic erosion

Correct Option: C
Deforestation leads to erosion of top fertile layer of the soil, it also depletes the soil of decomposing microorganisms and thus humus. Absence of humus makes the soil dry i.e, its water holding capacity is decreases. So no vegetation grows in the soil, further depleting the condition of the soil leading to desert like condition. Hence, also called desertification
So, the correct answer is 'Desertification of habitat'