Tag: evs - ii

Questions Related to evs - ii

Indra is the Indian name of

  1. Uranus

  2. Saturn

  3. Earth

  4. Pluto

Correct Option: A

According to Indian mythology Uranus is named as Indira.

Fill in the blank:

Mercury is the ________ planet of the solar system.
  1. smallest

  2. largest

  3. most dense

  4. coldest

Correct Option: A

The smallest planet in the solar system is Mercury. For the longest time, the smallest planet was considered to be Pluto, but now Pluto isn’t a planet any more.

Mercury measures 4879 km along its equator. Just for comparison, Earth is 12,742 km across. So, Mercury is only 38% the diameter of Earth. In terms of volume, it’s even less. Mercury has only 0.05 the volume of the Earth. In other words, if the Earth was a hollow shell, you could fit 20 Mercury's inside with room to spare.

Which of the following planets is coldest in the solar system?

  1. Mercury

  2. Venus

  3. Neptune

  4. Earth

Correct Option: C

Ans: Neptune

Fill in the blanks:

Venus: brightest planet:: Jupiter: _________

  1. reddish planet

  2. smallest planet

  3. dim planet

  4. largest planet

Correct Option: D

Venus is the brightest planet of our solar system and Jupiter is the largest.

The planet, ________ is called morning or evening star.
  1. Jupiter

  2. Venus

  3. Saturn

  4. Earth

Correct Option: B

Venus is the brightest of all planets. It can be seen sometimes in the eastern sky before sunrise and in the western sky just after sunset. Hence, it is called the morning or evening star.

Could Saturn float on water and why?

  1. Yes, because its density is less than the density of water.

  2. No, because its density is more than the density of water.

  3. Yes, because it is a celestial body.

  4. No, because it has rings.

Correct Option: A

Saturn is the least dense planet. In fact, its density is less than water and it can hence float on water.

Pluto is termed as the _______ planet.
  1. inner

  2. outer

  3. dwarf

  4. giant

Correct Option: C

Pluto was once considered to be a planet of our solar system. Since 2006, according to the International Astronomical Organization, it is no more considered a planet and is termed as a dwarf planet.

Which of the following properties is not exhibited by planets?

  1. Do not have their own light

  2. Revolve around the sun and rotate around itself

  3. Keep changing their position

  4. Follow randomly changing orbits

Correct Option: D

Planets do not have their own light. Those merely reflect the Sun's light that falls on them. 

Planets revolve around the Sun while rotating on axes.
Planets keep changing positions. 
However, each planet have a particular orbit in which it revolves around the Sun. Planets do not change their orbits randomly.

Find the odd one out:

  1. Jupiter

  2. Saturn

  3. Mars

  4. Earth

Correct Option: D

Earth is the only planet that has life on it. All the rest have no trace of life on those.

Identify the wrong statement about Mars.
  1. It is called the red planet

  2. It is the last inner planet

  3. It takes 687 days to complete one revolution around the Sun

  4. It has 3 moons

Correct Option: D

Mars appears to be reddish in color and is hence known as the red planet.

It is the last planet before the belt of asteroids which makes it the last inner planet. 
It takes 687 day to complete one revolution.
It has 2 natural satellites i.e., 2 moons and not 3.