Tag: earthworm

Questions Related to earthworm

Which of the following is marine leech?

  1. Haemadipsa

  2. Bonellia

  3. Hirudinaria

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Leech belongs to phylum Annelida. The 'green spoonworm' (Bonellia viridis) lives in a marine habitat. It shows sexual dimorphism. It is also known as the biocidal properties of a pigment in its skin. It is found in the north-eastern Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans and the Mediterranean and Red seas. It is pale- to dark-green in colour, with a 15 cm long, round or sausage-shaped body. Hence, option B is correct.

In Earthworm, ovary is situated in segment

  1. 13

  2. 9

  3. 10

  4. 26

Correct Option: A

Earthworms are hermaphrodites; that is, they have both male and female sexual organs.  The two or four pairs of seminal vesicles produce, store and release the sperm via the male pores. Ovaries and oviducts are in segment 13 release eggs. Ovarian funnels are present beneath the ovaries which continue into the oviduct, join together.

So the correct answer is '13'.

Spermathecae occur in earthworm in

  1. 6th-9thsegments

  2. 6th-10th segments

  3. 6th-11th segments

  4. 5th-8th segments

Correct Option: A

The spermathacae are also called as receptaculum seminis. species of earthworms have four pairs of spermathecae one pair each in the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th segments. The spermathecae receive and store the spermatozoa of another earthworm during copulation. They are lined with epithelium and are variable in shape: some are thin, heavily coiled tubes.

So the correct answer is '6th - 9th segments'.

Which one correctly describes the location of body parts in Pheretima?

  1. Two pairs of accessory glands in 1618 segments

  2. Two pairs of testes in 10th and 11th segments

  3. Four pairs of spemathecae in 47 segments

  4. One pair of ovaries attached over septum 1415 segments

Correct Option: B

Two pairs of accessory glands are present in 17th and 19th segments. Four pairs of spermathecae are located in 6th-9th segments. They receive and store spermatozoa during copulation. One pair of ovaries is attached at the inter-segmental septum of the 12th and 13th segments.

Two pairs of testes are present on the 10th and 11th segments.
So the correct answer is 'Two pairs of testes in 10th and 11th segments'.

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
Flukes and tapeworms:

  1. show cephalization

  2. have well-developed reproductive systems

  3. have well-developed nervous systems

  4. have a tube-within-a-tube body plan

Correct Option: B

Tapeworm and fluke worms belong to class Platyhelminthes. They both are having well developed reproductive systems.

So the correct answer is "have well-developed reproductive systems".

Part of peritoneum that suspends testes is called

  1. Mesentery

  2. Mesorchium

  3. Mesovarium

  4. Renal peritoneum

Correct Option: A
A mesentery is a double layer of visceral peritoneum. It connects an intraperitoneal organ to (usually) the posterior abdominal wall. It provides a pathway for nerves, blood vessels and lymphatics to travel from the body wall to the viscera.
The mesentery of the small intestine is simply called ‘the mesentery’. Mesentery related to other parts of the gastrointestinal system is named according to the viscera it connects to the mesoappendix.
So the correct answer is 'Mesentery'.

Sperms are stored in earthworm after fertilization in 

  1. Kidney

  2. Testis

  3. Spermatheca

  4. Seminal vesicle

Correct Option: C

Earthworms are hermaphrodite animals, meaning that both testes and ovary are present in a single body but cross-fertilisation is the rule. At the time of reproduction two worms come to lie close to each other and exchange sperms. The sperms are stored in pouches called spermatheca. So, the correct answer is option C.

Earthworm respires by

  1. Clitellum

  2. Ctenidia

  3. Moist skin

  4. Typhlosole

Correct Option: C

Respiration takes place through the moist surface of the body of an earthworm. Moist surface aids in easy diffusion of gases. Haemoglobin is the respiratory pigment that helps in transportation of oxygen to different parts of the body. 

Clitellum is the glandular and non-segmented region in the body of an earthworm and is helpful in copulation. 
Ctenidia is the respiratory organ present in molluscs and some insects. 
Typhlosole is a part of the digestive system of an earthworm and increases the absorption and digestion region in the alimentary system.
So, the correct answer is option C.

If non labelled diagram of earthworm is given, then which special character must be shown to include it in a specific phylum?

  1. Eye

  2. Metamerical segmentation

  3. Clietlum

  4. Anus

Correct Option: B

Which of the following animals body shows bilateral symmetry?

  1. Star fish

  2. Jelly fish

  3. Earthworm

  4. Sponge

Correct Option: A