Tag: our skeletal system and the skin

Questions Related to our skeletal system and the skin

The digital formula for the hind limbs of frog is

  1. $0,2,2,3,3$

  2. $2,2,3,3,3$

  3. $2,2,3,4,3$

  4. $0,2,1,2,3$

Correct Option: C

Digital formula is a way of comparing animals by the number of phalanges that they have in each of their digits. It can be used to study phylogeny or to predict how an animal may use its hands and feet. An animal’s phalangeal formula is simply given as a series of numbers. Most land mammals including humans have a 2-3-3-3-3 formula in both the hands(or paws) and feet. Fore limb of frog is 0-2-2-3-3 and hind limb is 2-2-3-4-3.

So, the correct answer is ‘2-2-3-4-3’.


Humerus bone is present in the

  1. Upper arm

  2. Lower arm

  3. Lower jaw

  4. Thigh

Correct Option: A

The humerus is the single bone of the upper arm region. It articulates with the radius and ulna bones of the forearm to form the elbow joint. Distally, the humerus becomes flattened. The much smaller lateral epicondyle of the humerus is found on the lateral side of the distal humerus.

So, the correct option is 'Upper arm'.

One of the following is a sesamoid bone in man?

  1. Periotic

  2. Ramus

  3. Clavicle

  4. Patella

Correct Option: D
A bone embedded in the tendon is known as a sesamoid. They are usually found in the joints of the body. The patella in the knee of a man is the largest sesamoid bone present in the human body.
So, the correct answer is 'Patella'.

A curved bone is structurally designed to

  1. Accommodate easily in body

  2. Absorb the stress of the body weight at several different points so that the stress is evenly distributed

  3. Provide more area for attachment of muscles

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

 Long bones are longer than they are wide and they are slightly curved for strength.
– A bone that is curved is structurally able to absorb the stress of the body at several points so the stress will be evenly distributed.
– The straight bone would not be able to evenly distribute the weight of the body and the bone would break more easily.
– Long bones are shaped like tubes with rounded ends that are designed to fit into other bones to form joints.
– The ends of long bones are filled with spongy bone; this makes them light but strong.
– Long bones can be found in the thigh, lower leg, toes, arms, forearms and fingers.

Which of the following has a sigmoid notch?

  1. Radius-ulna

  2. Humerus

  3. Tibia-fibula

  4. Femur

Correct Option: A

(A) Radius-ulna has a sigmoid notch.

(B) Humerus has a trochlear notch.
(C) Tibia fibula has a fibular notch.
(D) The femur has an intercondylar notch.
So, the correct option is 'Radius-ulna'.

Which joint is more flexible in males than females?

  1. Public symphysis

  2. Deltoid ridge

  3. Deltoid tuberosity

  4. Sacroiliac joint

Correct Option: A

The hip girdle is located in the lower part of the trunk. 

It is made up of three bones that are upper ileum, lower ischium and the pubis.
The acetabulum is formed by ileum, ischium and pubis but in mammals, the pubis is replaced by the cotyloid bone.

The pubic symphysis is present in mammals. The two innominate bones and sacrum together form a sort of bowel.
This is also an adaptation for the upright posture of the human body. The female pelvis is larger and has a broader front and larger bottom opening than the male pelvis. This is an adaptation for childbirth.

So, the correct option is 'Public symphysis'

Collar bone is 

  1. Scapula

  2. Stapes

  3. Coracoid

  4. Clavicle

Correct Option: D

The clavicle is a long bone between the shoulder blade and the sternum and is known as the collar bone. They are called so because their presence seems to appear much like a collar. 

So, the correct answer is 'clavicle'.

Supination means turning plan

  1. Upward

  2. Forward

  3. Downward backward

  4. Bending

  5. Straightening

Correct Option: A

Pronation and supination are a pair of unique movements possible only in the forearms and hands, allowing the human body to flip the palm either face up or face down. The muscles, bones, and joints of the human forearm are specifically arranged to permit these unique and important rotations of the hands. So, the correct option is "A" (Upward).

Which of the following bone belong to axial skeleton?
I. humerus 
II.Vertebrla column
III. Skull 
IV. Pelvi giirdle
V. patella 

  1. I,II and III

  2. II,III and V

  3. I,III and iV

  4. II and III

Correct Option: A

Match the following and mark the correct option :

Sr.No Column I Sr.No Column II
A. Sternum i. Synovial fluid
B. Glenoid cavity ii. vertebrae
C. Freely movable joint iii. Pectoral girdle
D. Cartilagenouns  iv. Flat bones
  1. A-ii,B-i,C-iii,D-iv

  2. A-iv,B-iii,C-i,D-ii

  3. A-ii,B-i,C-iv,D-iii

  4. A-iv,B-i,C-ii,D-iii

Correct Option: A