Tag: our skeletal system and the skin

Questions Related to our skeletal system and the skin

Pivot joint occurs at

  1. The hip and shoulder joint

  2. Between the atlas and the odontoid process of axis

  3. Sternoclavicular joint

  4. Temporomandibular joint

Correct Option: B

According to functional classification, joints may be immovable (synarthroses), slightly movable (amphiarthroses) and freely movable (diarthrosis). According to structure, joints can be classified into fibrous, cartilaginous and synovial.
The pivot joint is a synovial joint, which permits the movement of bone about one axis of rotation. In pivot, the joint central bony pivot of one bone is surrounded by a collar of bone and ligaments. The types of movement possible are rotation, pronation, supination. An example of pivot joints is proximal radioulnar and atlantoaxial joints.

Which one is a ball and socket joint?

  1. Knee joint

  2. Elbow joint

  3. Humerus and pectoral girdle

  4. Skull and atlas

Correct Option: C

Ball and socket is a type of synovial joint in which globe-like the head of one bone fits into the cup-like concavity of another bone. It permits flexion, extension, internal rotation, lateral rotation, abduction, adduction and circumduction type of movements. 

Examples of ball and socket joints are shoulder and hip joint. In shoulders, each half of pectoral girdle consists of a clavicle and a scapula. The scapula is a large triangular flat bone situated in the dorsal part of the thorax between the second and the seventh ribs. The dorsal, flat, a triangular body of scapula has a slightly elevated ridge, called as the spine which projects as a flat, expanded process called the acromion. The clavicle articulates with this. Below the acromion is a depression called as the glenoid cavity, which articulates with the head of the humerus to form the shoulder joint.

Head of humerus is articulated with pectoral girdle by a joint, called as

  1. Hinge

  2. Ball and socket

  3. Immovable

  4. Pivot joint

Correct Option: B

Head of the humerus is articulated with the cup-shaped socket of pectoral girdle by a joint, called as ball and socket joint. It is movable in all planes and also exhibits rotation. Pivot joint exhibits rotation only while hinge joint shows up and down motion in one plane only. The correct answer is B.

The joint of radio-ulna with upper arm is

  1. Hinge joint

  2. Gliding joint

  3. Socket joint

  4. Pivot joint

Correct Option: A

The hinge joint is a synovial joint, which permits uni-axial movement of bone about one axis of rotation. In a hinge joint, the convex surface of one bone fits into the concave surface of another. The movements possible are flexion and extension. Examples of hinge joints are elbow (radio-ulna with upper arm), interphalangeal joint, knee and ankle joints.

Which of the following movements in man are directly concerned with locomotion ?

  1. Bending of arm at elbow

  2. Rotation of head of femur in acetabulum

  3. Peristaltic movements

  4. Contraction of the heart

Correct Option: B

Locomotion is the movement of organisms from one place to another. The femur and the acetabulum form the hip joint. Hence, the rotation of head of femur in acetabulum will lead to the movement of the legs and thereby, be help in locomotion. Bending of arm at elbow will only cause movement of hands and hence no locomotion. Peristalsis is the movement of the oesophagus as food pases through it and so, it can also not be considered as locomotion. Contraction of the heart will only cause pumping of blood and will not be responsible for actual locomotion.

Head of humerus is articulated with pectoral girdle by .......... joint.
  1. Hinge

  2. Ball and socket

  3. Immovable

  4. Pivot

Correct Option: B

Each scapula or pectoral girdle has a concave, articular surface called the glenoid cavity which articulates with the head of the humerus. The ball like the head of the humerus articulates with the glenoid cavity which creates a ball and socket joint that allows the upper limb great motility. So, the correct answer is 'Ball and socket'.

Hinge joint occurs between

  1. Humerus and ulna/radio-ulna

  2. Femur and pelvic girdle

  3. Humerus and pectoral girdle

  4. Skull and atlas

Correct Option: A

A hinge joint is a common class of synovial joint that includes the ankle, elbow and knee joints. Hinge joints are formed between two or more bones where the bones can only move along one axis to flex or extend. The elbow is a hinged joint made up of three bones which are the humerus, ulna and radius. So, the correct answer is 'Humerus and ulna/radio-ulna'.

Synovial joint occurs in between

  1. Tail vertebrae

  2. Humerus and ulna

  3. Two skull bones

  4. Two vertebrae

Correct Option: B
  • Joints are points of contact between bones, or between bones and cartilages.
  • Synovial joints are characterized by the presence of a fluid-filled synovial cavity between the articulating surfaces of the two bones. These joints help in locomotion and many other movements. 
  • The humerus is the long bone in the upper arm. It is located between the elbow joint and the shoulder. At the elbow, it connects primarily to the ulna. The type of joint between humerus and ulna is synovial joint.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Humerus and ulna'.

The ankle, knee, and elbow joints are

  1. Synovial joints

  2. Hinge joints

  3. Pivot joints

  4. Ellipsoid Joints

Correct Option: A

An example of gliding joint is

  1. Humerus and glenoid cavity

  2. Femur and tibio-fibula

  3. Occipital condyle and odontoid process

  4. Zygapophyses of adjacent vertebrae

Correct Option: D
  • Joints are points of contact between bones, or between bones and cartilages.
  • Synovial joints are characterized by the presence of a fluid-filled synovial cavity between the articulating surfaces of the two bones. These joints help in locomotion and many other movements.
  • Gliding joint is a type of synovial joint formed between bones that meet at flat or nearly flat articular surfaces. Gliding joints allow the bones to glide past one another in any direction along the plane of the joint - up and down, left and right, and diagonally.
  • An example of the gliding joint is zygapophyses of adjacent vertebrae.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Zygapophyses of adjacent vertebrae'.