Tag: milky way

Questions Related to milky way

Fill in the blank:

Ursa Major appears like ________.

  1. a ladle

  2. a quadrilateral

  3. the letter 'M'

  4. a huntter

Correct Option: A

The bright stars of Ursa Major appear to be like a big ladle with 3 stars forming the handle and 4 stars forming the bowl.

Fill in the blank:

Ursa major appears to revolve around the _______.

  1. Sirius

  2. Alpha Persei

  3. Pole star

  4. Alpha Centauri

Correct Option: C

Pole star lies close to the axis of rotation of Earth and hence appears to be fixed in one position. The other stars and constellation including the Ursa Major appear to revolve around it.

Only few stars of a constellation are clearly visible through naked eyes because:

  1. those are the prominent ones

  2. those are close to the Earth while others are far away

  3. others are covered by clouds

  4. others are a myth

Correct Option: A

Many stars form the constellation but only few of them shine brightly and can be seen through naked eyes clearly. These are the prominent stars of the constellation and those help in locating the constellation.

Cassiopeia appears in _________ hemisphere.
  1. northern

  2. southern

  3. eastern

  4. western

Correct Option: A

Cassiopeia constellation appears in the northern hemisphere and can be seen in winter during the early part of night.

Which constellation, also known as the Twins, is visible in the northern hemisphere from November through April :

  1. Aquarius

  2. Leo

  3. Gemini

  4. Capricornus

Correct Option: C

Gemini Constellation is one of the zodiac constellations. Its Latin name is twins.

'X' is a group of stars visible during winter season in the late evening. It resembles a hunter in the kneeling position. What is 'X'?

  1. Ursa Major

  2. Orion

  3. Cassiopeia

  4. Aquarius

Correct Option: B

Orion is another well-known constellation that can be seen during winter in the late evenings. It is one of the most magnificent constellations in the sky. It also has seven or eight bright stars. Orion is also called the Hunter.

Column-I Column-II
(1) Ursa Major (a) The queen
(2) Orion (b) Big bear
(3) Cassiopeia (c) Pole star constellation
(4) Ursa minor (d) Hunter
  1. (1) $\rightarrow$ b; (2) $\rightarrow$ d; (3) $\rightarrow$ c; (4) $\rightarrow$ a.

  2. (1) $\rightarrow$ b; (2) $\rightarrow$ a; (3) $\rightarrow$ d; (4) $\rightarrow$ c.

  3. (1) $\rightarrow$ c; (2) $\rightarrow$ d; (3) $\rightarrow$ a; (4) $\rightarrow$ b.

  4. (1) $\rightarrow$ b; (2) $\rightarrow$ d; (3) $\rightarrow$ a; (4) $\rightarrow$ c.

Correct Option: D

Ursa major looks like a big bear.

Orion is named after a hunter of Greek.
Cassiopeia is named after vain queen of Greek mythology .
Ursa minor has pole star as its brightest star.

Great Bear is commonly known as

  1. Saptarshi

  2. Dhruv tara

  3. Pole star

  4. Orion

Correct Option: A

Saptarshi is known as the great bear due to its shape like bear. Another name of Saptarshi is dhruva tara.

Which of the following does not represent a cluster of stars?

  1. Rigel

  2. Aquarius

  3. Capricon

  4. Aries

Correct Option: A
Fill in the blank:

Vrishchika is the Indian name for ________ constellation.
  1. Virgo

  2. Gemini

  3. Leo

  4. Scorpio

Correct Option: D
Scorpio is a constellation of seven star, commonly called 'Vrishchika' in India.