Tag: development experience (1947-90)

Questions Related to development experience (1947-90)

The science which deals with study of population is called ________.

  1. malthus theory

  2. demography

  3. democracy

  4. population explosion

Correct Option: B

Demography is the statistical study of populations, especially human beings. Demography encompasses the study of the size, structure, and distribution of these populations, and spatial or temporal changes in them in response to birth, migration, ageing, and death.

National Population Policy 2000 aims at stabilization of population by ______.

  1. 2020

  2. 2045

  3. 2022

  4. 2035

Correct Option: B

The National Population Policy 2000 released on Feb. 15  aims to bring the total fertility rate (TFR) to replacement level by 2010 and to achieve a stable population by 2045, at a level consistent with sustainable economic growth, social development, and environmental protection.

 ________ propounded the theory of demographic transition.

  1. W.S. Thompson and F.W. Notestein.

  2. Malthus

  3. Adam Smith

  4. Robbins

Correct Option: A

The theory of demographic transition or of population stages or of population cycle has many versions. It has been propounded by W.S. Thomson and F.W. Notestein. They explain the theory in three stages.

Quick Mail Service was introduced in India in ________.

  1. 1975

  2. 1964

  3. 1972

  4. 1950

Correct Option: A

Quick Mail service is converted to speed post nowadays. We  have to personally take the letter and hand over in the office. They charge some extra charge than normal post and give us a receipt. It is supposed to reach the destination faster. Quick Mail Service was introduced in India in 1975.

Indian postal system dates back to _______.

  1. 1857

  2. 1837

  3. 1892

  4. 1906

Correct Option: B

 It was Lord William Bentinck's 1837 act which had introduced Post offices in India. It created the position Director General of post for the whole country.

Indian postal system is the _______ in the world.

  1. largest

  2. smallest

  3. 4th

  4. 7th

Correct Option: A

With 1,55,015 post officesIndia Post has the most widely distributed and the largest postal network in the world. The country has been divided into 23 postal circles, each circle headed by a Chief Postmaster General.

According to demographic transition theory there are _______stages of population growth.

  1. three

  2. two

  3. four

  4. five

Correct Option: A

The theory of demographic transition or of population stages or of population cycle has many versions. It has been propounded by W.S. Thomson and F.W. Notestein. They explain the theory in three stages of population growth.

1921 is also called great divide in Indian history, the decade 1911-21 recorded decade population growth of ______.

  1. 1.03%

  2. 2.01%

  3. -0.31%

  4. 0.38%

Correct Option: C

The year 1921 is called "The Great Divide" in India because the time India has "Low rate of mortality and High rate birth". Because of famine, there was a serious condition. 1911 to 1921 period decreasing the population due to incurable diseases. The census year 1911- 1921 registered a negative growth rate of-0.31 per cent which happened only once throughout the demographic history of India.

Presently Indian is passing through which stage of Malthus demographics transition?

  1. $1st$

  2. $2nd$

  3. last

  4. $3rd$

Correct Option: B