Tag: diseases caused by changes in lifestyle

Questions Related to diseases caused by changes in lifestyle

Which of the following concerning the major dietary constituents is true?  

  1. The body cannot store glucose.

  2. All essential amino acids are found in meat.

  3. Plant oils mainly consist of saturated fats.

  4. Both B and C.

Correct Option: D

When the body does not require glucose, it is stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and skeletal muscles. If the glycogen reservoirs are full, glucose is converted to fat and stored in the form of fats in various parts of the body as adipose cells. 

A complete protein (or whole protein) is a source of protein that contains an adequate proportion of all nine of the essential amino acids necessary for the dietary needs. Generally, proteins derived from animal foods meats, fish, poultry, milk, eggs are complete. Saturated fat is mainly found in animal foods, but a few plant foods are also high in saturated fats, such as coconut, coconut oil, palm oil, and palm kernel oil.
Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Obesity can be caused by the over intake of 

  1. Carbohydrates

  2. Vitamins

  3. Minerals

  4. Fats

Correct Option: A
Obesity is a condition of the human body wherein there is an accumulation of excessive body fat. Such conditions have a negative effect on health and leads to reduced life expectancy as well as increases health problems. While excessive intake of calories added with lack of physical activity is the reason assigned for obesity. The increase in calorie intake is however not always linked to consumption of fats but is more so miked to increased use of carbohydrates in the diets. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option A.