Tag: introduction to natural resources (eco)

Questions Related to introduction to natural resources (eco)

Examples of the renewable source of energy is/are?

  1. Photovoltaic

  2. Solar thermal

  3. Both a & b

  4. Neither a nor b

Correct Option: C

The ____________ rule provides an important result about the sustainability of welfare in an economy that uses non-renewable source.

  1. hartwick's

  2. hotelling's

  3. hermann scheer

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

In resource economics, Hartwick's rule defines the amount of investment in produced capital (buildings, roads, knowledge stocks, etc.) that is needed to exactly offset declining stocks of non-renewable resources.

 Which of these is not a renewable source of energy?

  1. Sun

  2. Natural gas

  3. Wind

  4. Ocean tidal energy

Correct Option: B

All fossil fuels are non-renewable. Coal, crude oil, and natural gas are all considered fossil fuels because they were formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Natural gas is flammable gas, consisting largely of methane and other hydrocarbons, occurring naturally underground (often in association with petroleum) and used as fuel.

What does not make a substance a resource?

  1. Utility

  2. Value

  3. Quantity

  4. Quality

Correct Option: C

Resources are assets that are used by the living systems for the survival and development.

Mere presence of a thing in certain quantity do not make a resource. But it should have a utility, value and quality by the people.

Biotic resources are ____________.

  1. Derived from living things

  2. Made by human beings

  3. Derived from non-living things

  4. Renewable

Correct Option: A

 Abiotic resources are non-living while biotic resources are living. Soils, rocks and minerals are abiotic but plants and animals are biotic resources. 

Methane is generated from ____________.

  1. Cow manure

  2. Scrap lumber

  3. Forest debris

  4. Certain crops

Correct Option: A

An important source of methane emissions is from enteric fermentation in farm animals. This creates 27% of human methane emissions. Animals like cows, sheep and goats are examples of ruminant animals. During their normal digestion process they create large amounts of methane. Enteric fermentation occurs because of microorganisms in the stomach of these animals. This creates methane as a by-product that is either exhaled by the animal or released via flatus.

Because humans raise these animals for food, their emissions are human-related. This is why the meat that we eat everyday has a huge impact on total methane emissions. Livestock farming creates 90 million tonnes of methane per year.

Green index has been developed by_____.

  1. World Banks environmentally sustainable development division

  2. Kyoto protocol

  3. UNDP


Correct Option: A

__________ is mostly used to light homes, buildings and heat water.

  1. Wind power

  2. Solar power

  3. Biomass

  4. Hydro-electricity

Correct Option: B

Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (PV), or indirectly using concentrated solar power. Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. It is mostly used to light home, buildings and heat water.

Afforestation results in ________.

  1. favourable climatic change

  2. unfavourable climatic change

  3. has no relation to climate

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B