Tag: cell division in embryo development

Questions Related to cell division in embryo development

What is an isotonic solution?

  1. A solution whose water concentration is lower than the internal concentration.

  2. A solution whose water concentration is same as compared to internal concentration.

  3. A solution whose water concentration is more than the internal concentration.

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: B
  • If both the medium and cell has exactly the same water concentration and thus, there will be no net movement of water across the cell membrane is known as an isotonic solution. 
  • The cells remain of the same size.

    Hence, the correct option is B.

In a hypotonic solution, the cell 

  1. Shrinks

  2. Remains of the same size

  3. Swells

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Hypotonic solution is a type of solution in which water concentration in the medium is more than the cell. Water crosses the membrane in both directions, but more water will come into the cell than will leave. The net result is that the water enters the cell. The cells will swell up. 

Solution that has a greater concentration of solutes on the outside of a cell when compared with the inside of a cell is a 

  1. Hypertonic solution

  2. Isotonic solution

  3. Hypotonic solution

  4. Both A and C

Correct Option: A

A hypertonic solution is a particular type of solution that has a greater concentration of solutes on the outside of a cell when compared with the inside of a cell. Water crosses the cell membrane in both directions, but more water leaves the cell than enters it. Therefore, the cell will shrink due to exosmosis.

If a cell is in a hypotonic environment, this means

  1. There are fewer solutes inside the cell than in the extra-cellular environment

  2. There is an equal amount of solutes inside as outside the cell

  3. There is more solute outside the cell than in the cell

  4. There is less solute outside the cell than inside of the cell

Correct Option: D

A hypotonic environment is when the solute concentration outside the cell is less than inside the cell.

When both the regions have the same solute concentration it is an isotonic environment.
When the solute concentration outside the cell is higher than inside the cell then it is in a hypertonic environment.
So the correct answer is 'There is less solute outside the cell than inside the cell'.

Roots will absorb water when external medium will be

  1. Hypotonic

  2. Hypertonic

  3. Isotonic

  4. Concentrated

Correct Option: A

Osmosis happens along a concentration gradient. If outside medium is hypotonic, it means that relatively more of water is present outside the cells in the surrounding medium and water will flow inside the root hair cells.

Generally, decline in hearing power begins after the age of 

  1. 50 years

  2. 30 years

  3. 40 years

  4. 10 years

Correct Option: C

Ageing is the process where there is a continuous decline in the metabolism of the body. The hearing power also declines after the age of 40 years. Presbycusis is the term which is generally used for hearing impairment due to old age. It is mainly caused due to degeneration of the cochlea or associated structures of the inner ear or auditory nerves.

So, the correct answer is option C.

Cell which keeps changing it's shape is called

  1. Spirilla

  2. Pleomorphic

  3. Symbiont

  4. Gram negative

Correct Option: A

Power is regeneration is poor in.

  1. Brain cell

  2. Bone cell

  3. Chondroblasts

  4. Striated muscles

Correct Option: A

Storage sprouting of potato can be prevented by 

  1. IAA

  2. Maleic hydrazide

  3. Cytokinins

  4. Gibberellins

Correct Option: B

Maleic hydrazide : It is a growth retardant which checks cell division. So during seed storage this is applied for checking sprouting of potato tubers so that the importance of potato may not be lowered down.

The process of cell death involving DNA cleavage in cells is known as

  1. Necrosis

  2. Apoptosis

  3. Cytokinesis

  4. Endocytosis

Correct Option: B
Apoptosis is the process in living cells which results in the death of cells that are damaged, attacked by pathogens, cancerous cell, abnormal cell, etc. Such cells are identified by the cells of the immune system followed by the production of proteins that kills the cell by DNA cleavage. It is also called programmed cell death. Thus the correct answer is option A.