Tag: into the history

Questions Related to into the history

Which of the following was one of the limitations of Mendeleev's periodic table?

  1. The discovery of isotopes

  2. The discovery of Noble gases

  3. The discovery of metalloids

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The discovery of isotopes was one of the limitations of Mendeleev's periodic table. Since Mendeleev's periodic table was based on atomic masses of elements, isotopes should be placed in different columns despite the fact that they represent the same element.

Novel gases were placed in a group of Mendeleev's periodic table called zero group.
Hence, correct option is $A$.

Mendeleev arranged the known elements in a/an  ______ order of their atomic masses.

  1. increasing

  2. decreasing

  3. random

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

Mendeleev arranged the known elements in an increasing order of their atomic masses. According to Mendeleev's periodic law, the properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic masses.

In Mendeleev's periodic table, gaps were left for the elements to be discovered later. Which of the following elements found a place in the periodic table later?

  1. Germanium

  2. Chlorine

  3. Oxygen

  4. Silicon

Correct Option: A

Chlorine, oxygen and silicon were included in Mendeleev's periodic table. Germanium was discovered later which fit into the empty spaces left by Mendeleev and matched to the expected properties. 

The elements which have taken the place of Eka aluminium is :

  1. Germanium

  2. Gallium

  3. Silicon

  4. Aluminium

Correct Option: B

Eka-silicon means germanium. It occurred because of silicon whereas eka-aluminium occurred because of aluminium and later named it as gallium. 

While filling the elements considering atomic number would be main and fundamental property there were gaps in the mentioned groups hence he filled them with these names.

Hence the correct option is B.

Which group of elements could be placed in Mendeleev's Periodic Table without disturbing the original order?

  1. Alkali metals

  2. Alkaline earth metals

  3. Non - metals

  4. Noble gases

Correct Option: D

According to Mendeleevs classification, the properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic masses and there is a periodic recurrence of elements with similar physical and chemical properties. Noble gas being inert, could be placed in a separate group without disturbing the original order.

Mendeleev classified elements in:

  1. increasing order of atomic groups.

  2. seven periods and eight groups.

  3. seven periods and nine groups

  4. eight periods and seven groups.

Correct Option: B

Mendeleev kept elements in increasing order of atomic weights in seven periods and eight groups.
Therefore, option $B$ is correct. 

The elements whose atomic weight was corrected by Mendeleev are _______

  1. Uranium.

  2. Indium

  3. Beryllium

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Mendeleev described the elements according to both atomic weight and valency. 

The elements if arranged according to their atomic weights exhibit periodicity of properties.

He corrected the atomic weights of thorium, indium, beryllium, and uranium.

Option D is correct.

Most transition metals from multiple cations, that is, they have more than one possible amount of positive charge. Virtually all of the transition metals form dipositive $(2+)$ cations, along with one or more other forms. For example, titanium forms $Ti^{2+}$ ad $Ti^{4+}$, and cobalt forms $Co^{2+}$ and $Co^{3+}$.
The principal exceptions to this predominance of cations with a $2^{+}$ charge are scandium and yttrium, which form only tripositive cations. $Sc^{3+}$ and $Y^{3+}$, and copper and silver, which form cations with a single positive charge. $Cu^{+}$ and $Ag^{+}$.
[While copper also forms dipositive $Cu^{2+}$, silver exhibits the single positive state essentially exclusively.]
Which of the following offers a POSSIBLE explanation for the existence of $Cu^{+}$ and $Ag^{+}$?

  1. Mendeleev placed copper and silver in Group IB on his original periodic table because they formed compounds with the same combining ratios as elements in Group $1A$.

  2. Elemental copper and silver have a single valence electron, which is lost in cation formation.

  3. Copper and silver have higher ionization energies than the other transition metals in their respective periods, so are unable to lose more than one electron.

  4. The loss of one electron gives copper and silver noble gas configurations.

Correct Option: B

Configuration of Cu and Ag is $\left[ Ar \right] 3{ d }^{ 10 }4{ s }^{ 1 }$ and $\left[ Kr \right] 4{ d }^{ 10 }5{ s }^{ 1 }$ respectively. Thus both have $1$ valence electron which is lost in cation formation. Thus correct answer is option B.

How many elements were known when Mendeleev presented the periodic table?

  1. 63

  2. 80

  3. 93

  4. 102

Correct Option: A
63 elements were known during the time of the introduction of the Mendeleev periodic table.

During Mendeleev's work, only 63 elements were known.

Option A is correct.

Mark the group which has maximum number of element in Mendeleev's periodic table:

  1. $I$

  2. $II$

  3. $III$

  4. $IV$

Correct Option: A