Tag: botany

Questions Related to botany

Find the one that is not involved in symbiotic nutrition.

  1. Lichen

  2. Mycorrhiza

  3. Mucor

  4. Rhizobium

Correct Option: C

Mucor is fungi that are found in soil, digestive systems etc.

Rest three are involved in symbiosis. Lichens are the symbiotic association between algae and fungi where the algae provide nutrition and fungi provides a place to live and protection.
Mycorrhiza is the symbiotic association in between fungi and roots of higher plants. eg. orchids and pine.
Rhizobium is a nitrogen-fixing bacteria that is in association with the root nodules of the legumes plants.
So, the correct option is 'Mucor'

The special root-like structure of plant parasites in cuscuta and viscum are called 

  1. Rhizoids

  2. Hasutoria

  3. Hyphae

  4. Stolons

Correct Option: B

Pitcher plant Dischidia differs from Sarracenia and Nepenthes in.

  1. Sessile pitcher

  2. Absence of lid

  3. Absence of insect trapping

  4. Both B and C

Correct Option: D

Dischidia is a sessile pitcher plant similar to nepenthes & sarracenia. It differs from nepenthes and sarracenia because it's pitcher is not having lids and the absence of insect trapping as it is a myrmecophilic plant and an epiphyte.

So, the correct answer is 'Both B and C'. 

A partial root parasite is

  1. Balanophora

  2. Rafflesia

  3. Santalum

  4. Dipterocarpus

Correct Option: C
Santalum album is a partial root parasite because it photosynthesizes its own food, but taps the roots of other species for water and inorganic nutrients. So it depends only partially on the host.
So, the correct option is 'Santalum'.

Butterfly shaped flower with one stranded, two wing-like and two keeled petal belongs to

  1. Compositae

  2. Rubiaceae

  3. Malvaceae

  4. Papilionaceae

Correct Option: D

Dicotyledonous plants characterized by their butterfly-shaped flowers, composed of a top petal, the standard, followed by two opposing petals on the sides, the wings, followed by a bottom petal, the keel, in which the reproductive organs are situated is known as papilionaceae family. This family is also called as legumes.

Diclinous flowers can be traced on

  1. Carica

  2. Morus

  3. Trichosanthes

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Diclinous flowers are flowers which have stamens and pistils on separate flowers, it could be on the same plant or different. The plant could be monoecious or dioecious but the male and female reproductive parts are not present on the same flower. Carica, Morus, and Trichosanthes, all are diclinous. So, the correct answer is option D.

When both sexes are absent from a flower or are non-functional , the flower is said to be

  1. Incomplete

  2. Intersexual

  3. Neuter

  4. Unisexual

Correct Option: C

When both sexes are absent from a flower or are non-functional , the flower is said to be  neuter. Neuter flowers have undeveloped or nonfunctional sexual organs. They have pistils and stamens that are nonfunctional or absent. The flowers are androgynous and the plants reproduce  asexually. Ray florets of sunflower are neuter flowers, disc florets are bisexual, also in some more Asteraceae, e.g. Centaurea.

Centripetally arranged sessile flowers on a flattened convex axis are found in

  1. Hibiscus

  2. Helianthus

  3. Holoptelea

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Centripetally arranged sessile flowers on a flattened convex axis are found in HelianthusThe genus is one of many in the Asteraceae that are known as sunflowers. It is distinguished technically by the fact that the ray  flowers, when present, are sterile, and by the presence on the disk flowers of a pappus that is of two awn-like scales that are cauducous. They bear one or several to many wide, terminal capitula (flower heads), with bright yellow ray florets at the outside and yellow or maroon disc florets inside. Several ornamental cultivars have red-colored ray florets. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

When a flower can be cut in two equal portion from only one plane, it is called as

  1. Actinomorphic

  2. Zygomorphic

  3. Symmetrical

  4. Bilateral

Correct Option: B

A cyclic flower which can be divided into two equal vertical halves by any vertical plane is said to be actinomorphic. Here, petals are in radial symmetry i.e. all the petals are identical in size and shape. The bilaterally symmetrical flowers which are symmetrical in only one plane and can be cut into two equal halves through single vertical pane only are said to be irregular or zygomorphic. Zygomorphic flowers have bilateral symmetry. A flower that can be cut into two equal halves by at least one plane is symmetric flower; it may be bilaterally or radially symmetrical.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Flower in which only one set of essential organ is present are said to be

  1. Bisexual

  2. Monoecious

  3. Dioecious

  4. Polygamous

  5. Unisexual

  6. Both (C) and (E)

Correct Option: F

A dioecious or unisexual flower bears either male or female sex organs. The plant could be either male or female. When only stamens are present, it is called as staminate flower. When only carpels are present, it is called as pistillate flower. e.g., Papaya and Mulberry.
So, the correct answer is 'Both (C) and (E)