Tag: endocrine system in humans

Questions Related to endocrine system in humans

Some hormones check the milk from being secreted by the mammary glands till the birth of young ones even though the glands are all prepared to do so. They are

  1. Progesteron and prolactin

  2. Prolactin and FSH

  3. Oestrogen and prolactin

  4. Oestrogen and progesteron

Correct Option: A
Progesterone and prolactin check the milk from being secreted by the mammary glands till the birth of young ones even though the glands are all prepared to do so. Progesterone is a hormone released by the corpus luteum in the ovary. Changing progesterone levels can contribute to abnormal menstrual periods and menopausal symptoms. Prolactin is a hormone named originally after its function to promote milk production (lactation) in mammals in response to the suckling of young after birth. It has since been shown to have more than 300 functions in the body. These can be divided into a number of areas: reproductive, metabolic, regulation of fluids (osmoregulation), regulation of the immune system (immunoregulation) and behavioural functions.
At birth, prolactin levels remain high, while the delivery of the placenta results in a sudden drop in progesterone, oestrogen, and HPL levels.

Lemmings reduce their number by committing suicide every

  1. Eight years

  2. Alternate years

  3. Four years

  4. Two years

Correct Option: C

Lemmings reduce their number by committing suicide every 4 years. It has been regarded as a collective suicide, conscious or involuntary, caused by overpopulation. In reality, being solitary rodents by nature, when the population booms, the stronger lemmings drive the weaker and younger ones off long before the food is depleted.

Therefore, the correct answer is option (C).

On seeing a snake, the prey becomes motionless because

  1. It is hypnotized.

  2. It is anaesthetized.

  3. Instinct to avoid being noticed.

  4. Both A and B.

Correct Option: C

For the purpose of avoiding being noticed and to save itself successfully from the snake, the prey becomes motionless. It ambushes itself well with the surroundings. The ambush may be set by hiding in a burrow, by camouflage, by aggressive mimicry, or by the use of a trap.

So, the correct option is 'Instinct to avoid being noticed'.

Fish do not need to learn how to swim is an example of ________ behavior.

  1. Instinct

  2. Imprinting

  3. Imitation

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: A
  • Instinct behaviors are innate abilities. They occur and are present from birth onward and are not learned behaviors. It is performed by all members of their species. They are typically a fixed action pattern (FAP) that occurs as a result of a specific stimulus. For example, spinning a web by a spider, nest building and other maternal activities, migration patterns of animals, social behavior in pack animals, swimming by fish, etc.
  • Hence, fish do not need to learn how to swim is an example of instinct behavior.

In turtles, the ducts of chloride secreting glands open near the?

  1. Nostrils

  2. Larynx

  3. Eyes

  4. Mouth

Correct Option: C

A frog has its brain crushed, but when pinched on the leg, the leg draws away. It is an example  of 

  1. neurotransmitter induced response

  2. simple reflex

  3. condition reflex

  4. automated motor response.

Correct Option: B

The action does not involve the brain and is an example of a simple reflex. When the leg of the frog is pinched, the stimulus is received by receptors on the skin that set up a sensory impulse. This impulse is carried to the spinal cord through the dorsal sensory root of a spinal nerve. The spinal cord then transforms the sensory impulse into a motor impulse. This impulse is then transmitted to the leg muscles. The muscles on receiving the impulse contract and the leg is withdrawn to avoid the stimulus. So, the correct option is 'simple reflex'.

State true or false. Correct false statement.
Group influence individual behaviour.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is incorrect w.r.t scientific names of the given animal?

  1. Brain coral - meandrine

  2. portuguese man of war - physalia

  3. Venus flower basket - Euplectella

  4. bath sponge - spongilla

Correct Option: A

The anadromous migretory animals are 

  1. salmon, Hilsa

  2. seagull, Penguins

  3. cartilasinons

  4. Anguilla

Correct Option: A

Which animal is having less number of Chromosomes?

  1. Onion

  2. Monkey

  3. Ascaris

  4. Rat

Correct Option: A