Tag: measures and motion

Questions Related to measures and motion

A white Board has Area $88m^2$ is divided in $8$equal parts .Find area of each Square. 

  1. $10m^2$

  2. $11m^2$

  3. $20m^2$

  4. $none$

Correct Option: B

4 circular band has area$4m^2,3m^2,9m^2,0m^2$.Find there Total area.

  1. $15m^2$

  2. $16m^2$

  3. $10m^2$

  4. $none$

Correct Option: B

$4$ square Board of area $16cm^2$ are combined to form a big board.Find area of the bog board

  1. $64cm^2$

  2. $48cm^2$

  3. $16cm^2$

  4. $none$

Correct Option: A

A Pizza Seller makes a circular pizza of perimeter $44cm$.Find its area in$m^2$

  1. $.144m^2$

  2. $.0154m^2$

  3. $.36m^2$

  4. $none$

Correct Option: B

Consider a rectangle of length $4$ cm and breadth $3$ cm. Find the area of given rectangle with suitable units.

  1. $12\ cm^{2}$

  2. $12\ cm$

  3. $13\ cm^{2}$

  4. $13\ cm$

Correct Option: A

Area of rectangle=length$\times $ breadth

$\Rightarrow 4\times 3=12  \ cm^2$

Take a circle with radius $5$ m, then determine the area of given circle with suitable units.

  1. $78.53\ m$

  2. $78.53\ m^{2}$

  3. $78.53\ cm$

  4. $78.53\ cm^{2}$

Correct Option: B

Area of circle$=\pi { r }^{ 2 }=\cfrac { 22 }{ 7 } \times 5\times 5=78.57m^2$